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Music and Wellness

23 February 2024

Life responds with mag­ic as we are open­ing up to it. Insights come up. A new per­spec­tive lets us see things dif­fer­ent­ly. It “can” hap­pen by sur­prise and unex­pect­ed. And it takes no effort at all. We just need to relax, breathe and see. Let us dive into a well­ness expe­ri­ence with music in the moment and take a sound bath. This is when the mag­ic happens.

It is the time right now that we all are becom­ing more and more aware of vibra­tions. Every­thing vibrates with­in and around us. We are under­stand­ing step by step that every­thing is vibrat­ing on fre­quen­cies. Just as a radio we tune into fre­quen­cies that ulti­mate­ly cre­ate our life expe­ri­ences. We are becom­ing more aware of our expe­ri­ences and sud­den­ly start to step into a pow­er where we choose. This is our own power!

All this is some­how over­whelm­ing and every­day life can be a chal­leng­ing place to start being more in this “new-kind-of-lifestyle”. But we want to step out­side of our safe spaces at home and live in this “mag­ic”.

«Well­ness Soul Sun­day” is the per­fect retreat. You are invit­ed into a relax­ing space to con­nect with oth­ers and cre­ate mag­ic through every­day rit­u­al with a tru­ly unique “Intu­itive Music Read­ing” by Dust of Soul and a har­mo­niz­ing trans­for­ma­tive Sound Bath by There­sa Ireland.»

— Cab­in Creek San­ta Monica

Expe­ri­ence tal­ent­ed musi­cians of Dust of Soul:
Singer Dusty and pianist Mikey will use their intu­ition to tap into your ener­gy and cre­ate a musi­cal jour­ney that is tai­lored just for you. This expe­ri­ence is unlike any oth­er and promis­es to leave you feel­ing refreshed, ener­gized and con­nect­ed to your heart.

Expe­ri­ence sound heal­er There­sa Ire­land:
There­sa uses her exten­sive music back­ground inter­twined with her mys­ti­cal and spir­i­tu­al knowl­edge to take you on a sound jour­ney that will leave you feel­ing euphoric.

Explore Cab­in Creek’s fine selec­tion of jew­el­ry, gifts, and crystals.

Cab­in Creek invites to the first edi­tion of “Well­ness Soul Sun­day” on Sun­day, Feb­ru­ary 25th, 2024 on 2503 Main Street in San­ta Mon­i­ca, CA. Click here to buy tick­ets and join the magic.


Receiv­ing your soul song

On Wednes­days, Dust of Soul are avail­able for read­ings at Cab­in Creek from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM on 2503 Main Street in San­ta Mon­i­ca, CA.

«Dust of Soul offer indi­vid­ual one-on-one read­ings where singer Dusty and pianist Mikey chan­nel and per­form in a one-on-one 30-minute read­ing in the 432 Hertz heal­ing fre­quen­cy your soul song with vocals, lyrics and piano and give it to you in a music file.»

— Dust of Soul

We need you, dear universe

Dust of Soul’s lat­est music video “Need You” illus­trates the explo­ration of the hid­den aspects—similar to the mys­tery of the universe—in our indi­vid­ual lives and the inte­gra­tion of the undis­cov­ered, our own mys­ti­cism, into our every­day lives. By accept­ing our­selves as a whole, Dust of Soul believe, we can devel­op our full strength. The inter­play of singing, piano play­ing and sound­track is just as moti­vat­ing. Ulti­mate­ly, «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» is not just about the music itself, but also about the effect it has on the audi­ence. Because Dust of Soul believe in the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of music and its abil­i­ty to inspire and bring peo­ple together.

The goal of Dust of Soul is to cre­ate a pos­i­tive rip­ple effect through their music and encour­age peo­ple to real­ize their dreams and over­come chal­lenges. Click here to watch the video.

Dust of Soul Offi­cial YouTube Channel

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