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Col­or of Oman pre­miers at spe­cial con­cert in Switzerland

22 November 2016

The music video of «The Col­or of Oman – A Swiss Song of Love for Oman» pre­miered in a spe­cial held cer­e­mo­ny at the Swiss cas­tle Château Gütsch in Lucerne on big screen.

The Swiss duo Dust of Soul, with its project in Oman, devel­oped great curios­i­ty and great inter­est, from which “The Col­or of Oman is Love” orig­i­nat­ed – a Swiss Song of Love for Oman. But as usu­al Dust of Soul is about more than music. It goes very deeply, the mes­sage the Singer Dusty and Pianist MiKey express with their “Art of Dust of Soul”. Dust of Soul cre­ates musi­cal touch­es in peo­ple in dis­tant Oman and is moved by the Ara­bi­an Gulf State to cre­ate a love song to express how the mod­ern 1001 nights affects the West­ern world.
Dust of Soul says “The Col­or” of Oman is love. Through the unique scenery of moun­tains, the Ara­bi­an Gulf, the sandy beach­es, the long-drawn city life of Mus­cat, the famous sand dunes and the impres­sive med­i­na of the old town of Mutrah, Oman cre­ates a har­mo­nious har­mo­ny.
Oman suc­ceeds in liv­ing tra­di­tion­al val­ues ​​of the mag­ic of the Ori­ent. In this ancient coun­try lives a pow­er and a love for the music that every­one can feel. His Majesty Sul­tan Quboos bin Said built an opera house in the mid­dle of Mus­cat to give Oman inter­na­tion­al music and dance, to share cul­ture, and bring hearts togeth­er.
“The Col­or of Oman is Love”. This is the incom­ing song from Dust of Soul. It is full of long­ing and tells sto­ries like from 1001 nights. One of them tell Dust of Soul them­selves. Their true sto­ry in the Sul­tanate. There­of a music video arose that Dusty and MiKey filmed dur­ing their last stay in Muscat.

«It is the “Col­or of Love” that inspired Dust of Soul to the song. It is the mem­o­ries that have been mov­ing us. There are the moments of luck, which we cel­e­brate and from which we cre­ate pow­er to live even our great­est dream»

— Dust of Soul
The Col­or of Oman is Love (Offi­cial Video) | Dust of Soul Offi­cial YouTube Channel

“The Col­or of Oman is Love” tells the music video with scenes from all over Mus­cat. Dust of Soul invites you to an expe­ri­ence of diver­si­ty, fas­ci­na­tion and great wealth. This wealth is found in pow­er­ful sym­bol­ic ges­tures, real emo­tions and the inter­ac­tion with nature.

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