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Dreamers Day by School for Dreamers Teatro Dal Verme Milano

Live-Per­for­mance at Teatro Dal Verme in Milan – Italy

30 October 2015

Dust of Soul per­forms at the Dream­ers Day in the Milanese Teatro Dal Verme in front of a large audi­ence with the title song ‘Believe’ of their new CD and the song ‘Dream­ing’

Milan is the famous fash­ion cap­i­tal of the world and is locat­ed in North­ern Italy. In Octo­ber 2015 Milan became the scene for many peo­ple trav­el­ing to Italy from all over Europe: The ‘Dream­ers Day’, a day to “join togeth­er, meet each oth­er, and move moun­tains”, as announced in an intro­duc­tion video of the ‘School for Dream­ers’ who ini­ti­at­ed the Dream­ers Day togeth­er with Francesca Del Nero and Gior­gia D’Anna, daugh­ter of Pro­fes­sor and author Ste­fano D’Anna.

Offi­cial Poster

Pro­fes­sor D’Anna wrote the auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal nov­el ‘The School for Gods’ in which he con­scious­ly observes his own life and began to realise his dream, of which the Dream­ers Day is a big part: His vision to bring peo­ple togeth­er to dream a new world, a world with­out fear.

Dust of Soul released their new CD to the pub­lic on 11 Octo­ber at the Château Gütsch in Lucerne (Switzer­land) with the title song ‘Believe’, that is about the belief in one­self, about the own world with­out tears and with­out fears.

Live-Per­for­mance “Believe”

This sub­ject fit­ted the pow­er­ful voice of singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble, known as Dusty, and the lyri­cal piano play­ing of pianist Michael Oder­matt, known as MiKey, per­fect­ly, and inspired the numer­ous par­tic­i­pants of Dream­ers Day.

«We are all dream­ers and inspired to live our dream. The way of the heart guides us to face our chal­lenges to cre­ate ourselves»

— Dust of Soul
Live-Per­for­mance “Dream­ing”

Dust of Soul per­form a pow­er­ful per­for­mance on stage at the first edi­tion of ‘Dream­ers Day’ Octo­ber 2015 at Teatro Dal Verme Opera House in Milano, Italy.

It was the first Dream­ers Day his­to­ry of its kind The day was full of emo­tions and touch­ing moments – also from the mov­ing life sto­ry of the Swiss duo Dust of Soul.

Live-Per­for­mance of Dust of Soul

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