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Acti­vate the soul’s frequency

What happens when you combine powerful piano melodies with a voice that resonates with the very essence of your soul? You get Dust of Soul—a musical duo like no other. Join Sandra Biskind as she sits down with Dusty and MiKey to explore how their channeled music...

HEAL Online Expo 2024 with Dust of Soul

“Dust of Soul is part of the HEAL Online Expo 2024 with an extensive interview and to share a Soul Song channeling experience with the HEAL audience. Join the HEAL audience starting August 19th, 2024 for a scientific and energetic journey to discover how your thoughts...

The fre­quen­cy of the soul

“Everything is energy and all things and people vibrate on a certain frequency. We align with people, places, and situations based on our frequency and vibration. Pay attention to people who just fall off... there is no animosity, but maybe you have friends, family,...

A chan­neled soul song

In their 11-year professional career as performers, Dust of Soul journeyed around the world (Europe, North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, India, USA) to share their original music in numerous shows and medias and - as their specialty - create music intuitively in the...

Music and Wellness

Life responds with magic as we are opening up to it. Insights come up. A new perspective lets us see things differently. It “can” happen by surprise and unexpected. And it takes no effort at all. We just need to relax, breathe and see. Let us dive into a wellness...

Intu­itive music chan­nel­ing in a music soul­ing in Los Angeles

Making the soul HEARable and receiving messages through intuitive music channeling in a music souling. Award-winning intuitive musicians & Positive Music Power artists of Dust of Soul continue to make their U.S. appearance with “Music Souling” at Hallowed Ground...

Cab­in Creek Crys­tals presents Dust of Soul: Intu­itive Music Read­ing in San­ta Monica

Dust of Soul are “intuitive music readers”. After an 11-year journey around the world with “Music for Healing and Inspiration,” the intuitive duo makes their first U.S. appearance with “Intuitive Music Reading” at Cabin Creek Crystals in Santa Monica. After an 11-year...

Los Ange­les “Mys­tic Jour­ney Pod­cast” about Dust of Soul pio­neer­ing in Impro­vi­sa­tion­al Heal­ing Music

The Mystic Journey of the Members of Dust of Soul interviewed by Jeffrey Segal, host of the podcast and founder of "Mystic Journey Bookstore" in Los Angeles. Join us to hear how listening to “a voice from above” led a paralyzed stroke victim to an instantaneous...

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er for Kids – Cre­ative Composing

The public school Schule Buochs in Switzerland engaged Dust of Soul to do their intuitive music composing programm «Positive Music Power for Kids – Creative Composing» with children in the 5th grade of elementary school. Dust of Soul singer Saskia Stäuble, known...

2020 Oman Nation­al Day cel­e­bra­tion with Swiss song of love

Oman Radio 90.4 FM wel­comes Dust of Soul back to the Sul­tanate of Oman vir­tu­al­ly amongst the 50th Nation­al Day cel­e­bra­tion – the recog­nis­able local band from Switzer­land who has got an incred­i­ble ded­i­ca­tion to the coun­try of Oman through their songs and compositions


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