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Peace Con­cert in Tunisia

12 September 2015

Music from the heart has the pow­er to build a bridge between worlds and unite peo­ple from all nations and coun­tries to stand togeth­er for human­i­ty and love

Paix Con­cert – Musique du Monde pour la Tunisie” (from French: “Peace Con­cert – Music from the World for Tunisia”) was the spe­cial ben­e­fits gala night’s invi­ta­tion. The inter­na­tion­al peace cam­paign #Peace­Tunisia found­ed by Berlin mod­er­a­tor Car­men Hentschel and Dust of Soul pre­sent­ed on Sat­ur­day, the 29th August 2015 a Con­cert Night with inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned musi­cians from the Swiss duo Dust of Soul in coop­er­a­tion with a Tunisian musi­cian from the Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra Tunisia in Tunis. Spe­cial guest of the night was Tunisian singer & gui­tarist Ahmed Mejiri.
The event was host­ed by the renom­i­nat­ed five star Hotel Con­corde Les Berges du Lac in Tunis on the won­der­ful open ter­race with the view onto the Lake of Tunis and the unique spec­tac­u­lar sky­line sparkling at the hori­zon. It was indeed a won­der­ful calm and warm night – per­fect weath­er con­di­tions to enjoy an inspir­ing clear view with music from the West­ern world unit­ed with the Ara­bi­an world.
The ben­e­fits gala night was opened by Car­men Hentschel who pre­sent­ed the cam­paign Peace Tun­sia with her back­ground sto­ry, mis­sion, and goal. Her speech was trans­lat­ed warm-heart­ed by Mon­cef Labi­adh, mod­er­a­tor at the radio sta­tion RTCI and sup­port­er of the ben­e­fits night with an exclu­sive broad­cast on Fri­day, the 28th August 2015, host­ing both Peace Tunisia and Dust of Soul in the radio pro­gram “RTCI Multikulti”.

Offi­cial Poster

At the end of the speech a won­der­ful emo­tion­al video was pre­sent­ed show­ing inter­ac­tions with Tunisians and the reac­tion of the cam­paign Peace Tunisia.
The ben­e­fits gala night was con­tin­ued by the con­cert with the Vocal­ist Dusty and the Pianist MiKey from the Swiss Duo Dust of Soul in coop­er­a­tion with the Tunisian Cel­list Mohamed Amine Ben Smi­da. For the first time the trio played togeth­er live on stage in front of the pub­lic. The songs of Dust of Soul were beau­ti­ful­ly con­duct­ed by Mohamed Amine’s Cel­lo melodies and Dusty’s authen­tic true life sto­ries and mes­sages between Dust of Soul’s musi­cal com­po­si­tions. Some of them were live impro­vised dur­ing the night with the high inspi­ra­tion and pow­er­ful energy.

To close the con­cert per­for­mance of Swiss Duo with Mohamed Amine, Vocal­ist Dusty and Pianist MiKey hon­oured the guests and thanked them for their pres­ence and sup­port with their beloved song “Thank­ful”. As in Dust of Soul’s tra­di­tion, some guests and con­trib­u­tors of the night were spe­cial­ly hon­oured by a flower on stage as a sign for grat­i­tude hand­ed over by Vocal­ist Dusty live on stage.

«’Paix con­cert pour la tunisie’: lorsque l’allemange sou­tient la tunisie à tra­vers la musique du monde!” (from french: “‘Peace con­cert in Tunisia’: when Ger­many Sup­ports Tunisia through the world of music!»

— Radio RTCI Tunis

The high­light of the night was kept until the very end: A song played togeth­er with all artists and spe­cial guest Ahmed Mejiri while all guests were invit­ed to light a mag­ic can­dle giv­en out by the hotel staff. It was a won­der­ful pic­ture estab­lished at the end of the “Peace Con­cert” ben­e­fits gala night with this spe­cial music arrange­ments and a ter­race full of lights by the attend­ed 150 guests.

Dust of Soul loves to thank every­one for this great con­cert night that caught the atten­tion of so many peo­ple around the world. A spe­cial thank goes to Car­men Hentschel, the founder of the cam­paign Peace Tunisia, and the won­der­ful host, the Hotel Con­corde Les Berges du Lac, with the respon­si­ble per­son Walid Fan­dri (see pho­to­graph at the bot­tom right) and his team who sup­port­ed the Peace Con­cert with all their effort and great­ness. Anoth­er thank goes to Noured­dine Saouak from NS Events, Zouoghi Hama­di for the tun­ing of the piano, and Walid Bel Hadj from Pho­to Walid for the film­ing of the night and the great pho­tographs. And to F&B Man­ag­er Mar­wen Aya­di who made all this pos­si­ble (see pho­to­graph at the bot­tom left).

Lis­ten Radio interview
  • Cov­er Pho­tog­ra­phy by Walid Bel Hadj | Pho­to Walid, Tunis
  • Arti­cle Pho­togra­phies by Walid Bel Hadj | Pho­to Walid, Tunis
  • Text by Dust of Soul | Michael Odermatt

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