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BACK TO THE FUTURE – 10 Jahres Dust of Soul Show SCALA Zofingen

«Stand­ing ova­tion» at BACK TO THE FUTURE spec­ta­cle at SCALA

5 October 2022

In the for­mer cul­tur­al cin­e­ma, the reopened SCALA, a spec­tac­u­lar musi­cal expe­ri­ence was cre­at­ed on Sun­day, Octo­ber 2, 2022 in front of sold-out rows: the much-announced anniver­sary show «BACK TO THE FUTURE» after 10 years of «Dust of Soul».

In the for­mer cul­tur­al cin­e­ma, the reopened SCALA, a spec­tac­u­lar musi­cal expe­ri­ence was cre­at­ed last Sun­day, Octo­ber 2, 2022 in front of sold-out rows: the much-announced anniver­sary show «BACK TO THE FUTURE» after 10 years of «Dust of Soul».
In the two-part musi­cal expe­ri­ence, main char­ac­ter Tanix 7.8 strand­ed from the future, played by the musi­cal actress Tan­ja Nie­der­mann, made it «back to the future». Excit­ing­ly staged dia­logues with pos­i­tive music pow­er in dif­fer­ent genre-span­ning «Dust of Soul» songs were the key.

Dust of Soul Back To The Future Poster
Offi­cial Poster

Back To The Future

The first time, how­ev­er, the «return to the future» didn’t work out. Full of aston­ish­ment for the audi­ence, too, Tanix 7.8 expe­ri­enced an Ara­bic per­for­mance like from «1001 Nights», in which bel­ly dancer Alexan­dra Hun­zik­er danced through the hall with a burn­ing can­dle­stick on her head and cast a spell on every­one. Mean­while, «Dust of Soul» per­formed their song «Col­or of Oman», ded­i­cat­ed to the Sul­tan of Oman. The Swiss musi­cians were already allowed to per­form this for the king on the Swiss nation­al hol­i­day in 2018 in the Amphithe­ater Muskat.

Final­ly, at the Scala, the audi­ence was moti­vat­ed with the bal­lad “Hero” to find their hero in them­selves and to live their dreams and desires. The guests expe­ri­enced a show mixed from music & coaching—«Positive Music Pow­er» call it Dust of Soul. This has a last­ing effect and accom­pa­nies the hearts of the audi­ence into the future.


Dust of Soul pre­sent­ed, among oth­ers, the young up-and-com­ing artist Kim­ber­ly Cortés, who with roots in Mex­i­co, Ukraine and Spain has just released a new song with Rodry-Go. The Colom­bian is the musi­cal accom­pa­nist of Loco Escrito and col­lab­o­rat­ed on his album Fer­nan­do, which is dis­trib­uted by Sony Music Switzer­land. For this last month the Swiss label Far­More Records award­ed Gold.

Spe­cial Thanks

… to the entire «BACK TO THE FUTURE» cast: ini­tia­tors Dust of Soul with singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble (DUSTY) and pianist Michael Oder­matt (MIKEY), musi­cal actress Tan­ja Nie­der­mann as «Tanix 7.8», Queen Orchidea Lüthi, Mad Hat­ter and Steet­dance dancer Emlo Dancer, Won­der­land rab­bits Bet­ti­na Hüss­er and Sab­ri­na, musi­cian Kim­ber­ly Cortés, rap­per Yaw Boso, dancers Alexan­dra & Malaikas.

… to the make-up artist Lean­dra Bombel­li for her make-up skills and the stage man­ag­er Pao­la Picone.

… to the team with Manuela von Rotz and San­dra Eich­mann for their tire­less efforts in the prepa­ra­tion, on the day of the event and in the after­math of the event, to Shan­ti Stan­ley Per­pelli­ni for the sound and stage light­ing tech­nol­o­gy, Emanuel Ripp­stein for light­ing and show effects , Andreas Schnee­berg­er for the pho­tog­ra­phy, Dami­an Ruchti from and Dominic Wälti from Shapex Films for the video event documentation.

… to piano part­ner Rain­er Zulauf from A-Zulauf Musikin­stru­mente GmbH / Tastenträ with a huge show­room in Buchs near Aarau –

… to our sponsors:

… and to our partners:

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