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Château Gütsch Open Air Cas­tle Gar­den Concert

18 July 2016

The impres­sive scenery at the open air cas­tle gar­den con­cert on the occa­sion of the 4th anniver­sary of Dust of Soul tri­umphed in the dream­like mood of the mid­sum­mer night. The patio of the fairy­tale cas­tle Château Gütsch was full of magic

As seduced into a mag­ic world did the guests of Dust of Soul feel last Sat­ur­day night at the 4th anniver­sary. 130 music enthu­si­asts from all regions of Switzer­land and Ger­many fol­lowed the invi­ta­tion to the cas­tle gar­den con­cert pre­miere in the beau­ti­ful­ly white fairy­tale cas­tle Hotel Château Gütsch in Lucerne, Switzer­land. They found them­selves in an unique atmos­phere with a medieval atmos­phere as from the age of chival­ry. The minia­ture cas­tle was built in the 19th cen­tu­ry inspired by the famous mag­nif­i­cent Bavar­i­an cas­tle Neuschwanstein.

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At the con­cert night of the 16th of July, it was burst­ing with events at the seams: Dust of Soul led musi­cal­ly by their inspi­ra­tion from the New York Broad­way with their orig­i­nal song “Home­town”. Lyrics, melody and music were merged exact­ly to the day 4 years ago when singer Dusty and pianist MiKey met and they decid­ed to fol­low their dream of music and to turn the vision of Dust of Soul step by step into reality.

First, how­ev­er, this spe­cial­ty of Dust of Soul came to the course, for which many guests trav­el again and again to the con­certs: the after Dust of Soul named “Music Soul­ing” which so to speak is an emerg­ing com­po­si­tion from the moment, freely inspired by the envi­ron­ment and the present audi­ence – from the present moment.

«Every­one feels sym­pa­thy against peo­ple and sit­u­a­tions. Cer­tain is like­able, oth­ers rather unap­peal­ing. And so we feel. And exact­ly these feel­ings play dust of soul in their first musi­cal com­po­si­tion each time at a con­cert begin­ning. Also to “Break the ice”»

— Dust of Soul

The 4th anniver­sary was condign­ly cel­e­brat­ed after a refresh­ing friend­ship song in waltz rhythm and an empow­er­ing com­po­si­tion about courage with two large cakes, which were pre­sent­ed cer­e­mo­ni­al­ly. All guests were invit­ed to a piece dur­ing the break. The “first cut” made the two musi­cians. They decid­ed full of joy to con­tin­ue their select­ed way of music. This cel­e­bra­tion sym­bol­ised the begin­ning of a new chap­ter in the Dust of Soul story.

The musi­cal jour­ney at the mid­sum­mer night con­cert con­tin­ued in the north of Africa to Tunisia. There reach­es Dust of Soul from the begin­ning through Face­book an ever increas­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty and last fall they record­ed in the Roman Saint-Louis Cathe­dral Acrop­oli­um de Carthage their first CD, named with the title “Believe”. The extra to the CD is a DVD with the music video from the song “Believe” filmed in Tunisia.

The duo sur­prised with music from their lat­est trips to the Mid­dle East to Oman. Though many things could be read from the trav­els in the Arab king­dom, there was not real­ly much to hear. The Sul­tanate inspired Dust of Soul with its mys­ti­cal sounds and singer Dusty & pianist MiKey enchant­ed the Lucerne cas­tle gar­den with an entire­ly new musi­cal sound. A sto­ry of the pow­er of the sea, the moun­tains on the hori­zon and the colour of love. Although the guests have not yet learned any­thing about oth­er plans in the Arab world, one thing is for sure: these two will sur­prise us always from new.

 The duo sur­prised with music from their lat­est trips to the Mid­dle East to Oman. Though many things could be read from the trav­els in the Arab king­dom, there was not real­ly much to hear. The Sul­tanate inspired Dust of Soul with its mys­ti­cal sounds and singer Dusty & pianist MiKey enchant­ed the Lucerne cas­tle gar­den with an entire­ly new musi­cal sound. A sto­ry of the pow­er of the sea, the moun­tains on the hori­zon and the colour of love. Although the guests have not yet learned any­thing about oth­er plans in the Arab world, one thing is for sure: these two will sur­prise us always from new.

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