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Copyright © 2012-2024 Dust of Soul. All Rights Reserved.

Sus­tain­able Music

What start­ed in 2012 with the vision «To touch the hearts of peo­ple through music around the world» has become a strong mes­sage and inspi­ra­tion for human­i­ty. Dust of soul tells the sto­ry of two peo­ple who trust in them­selves and share their lives. Two peo­ple who left every­thing to fol­low their dream. A promise to nev­er stop in between and dis­cov­er what real­ly is pos­si­ble in life.

Pos­i­tive Music Power

As pro­fes­sion­al musi­cians with a career in the music indus­try many years, we are aware of the respon­si­bil­i­ty we have on stage. Espe­cial­ly as our per­for­mances and pro­duc­tions attract many young peo­ple around the world.

It is always our aim to express with our music and cre­at­ed art around it the mes­sage of empow­er­ment. We care a lot about sus­tain­abil­i­ty. All our per­for­mances and pro­duc­tions have our high­est atten­tion to detail and it is our goal to always be resource­ful and mean­ing­ful, not only from a mate­r­i­al per­spec­tive, but also with the mes­sage we con­vey to our audience.

We are con­vinced that through express­ing art comes the pow­er of heal­ing. Giv­ing mean­ing to art there­fore is of great importance.

Mes­sage of «Pos­i­tive Music Power»

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