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Lovesick. Heartache. Dust of Soul release Rainbow

26 June 2020

Lovesick. Heartache. Many of us know about the deep pain of lovesick­ness. Oth­ers are spared in part.

«Dust of Soul»’s song “Rain­bow” is a vibrant and uplift­ing song that cel­e­brates the beau­ty of life and the pow­er of pos­i­tiv­i­ty. The song fea­tures a mix of pop, rock, and clas­si­cal music ele­ments, with a catchy melody and dynam­ic instru­men­ta­tion. The lyrics of the song are inspir­ing and encour­age lis­ten­ers to embrace their unique­ness and to live life to the fullest. The cho­rus of the song is par­tic­u­lar­ly mem­o­rable, with its uplift­ing mes­sage of hope and opti­mism. Over­all, «Rain­bow» is a feel-good song that is sure to put a smile on your face and lift your spirits.

“My first love was true, intense and wild. And I thought about my future. But then the break came. I did not know that a breakup could pull you down like this. But then: Get­ting up again and real­iz­ing that every­thing belongs togeth­er. A lot starts only when it ends. Inter­nal growth only begins when rain falls. 
Rain­bow is the expres­sion of the strength that I have gained again and again through emo­tion­al injuries, until today. Thanks to every­one who laughs, whis­pers, and applauds behind my back, this makes me stronger and stronger.”

Singer Dusty, Dust of Soul

Rain­bow is part of the “In Col­ors” album release back in March 2019. And yet it is more up to date then ever. 

This cur­rent pan­dem­ic affects everyone’s dai­ly life. We all need to step back on social activ­i­ties with our friends and fam­i­lies in the sake to help our soci­ety. Our lives are not in the least like our nor­mal every­day life and we face chal­lenges that we have not thought of before.

We are forced to look into our­selves and to deal with the sit­u­a­tion as best we can, although we lack any experience.

“An intense mood beau­ti­ful­ly cre­at­ed by Dusty’s singing and Michael’s music and their lyrics! Enjoyed it, Dust of Soul!”

— Lak­sh­mi Kothaneth, Oman Dai­ly Observer

“Won­der­ful emo­tions cre­at­ed by Dust of Soul artists Dusty and MiKey. Con­grat­u­la­tions on this mean­ing­ful new music video and the mes­sage it con­veys. Well done!”

— Human­i­ty First

With more than 40’000 views in the first three days and near­ing 180’000 views two week after the offi­cial release this is a true success.

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