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«Feel» Live Per­for­mance Fea­tur­ing Rap­per Yaw Boso

Dust of Soul per­form the song “Feel” live at SCALA with rap­per Yaw Boso on their BACK TO THE FUTURE – 10 Years Dust of Soul Show.

Swiss artists with two music video Shoot­ings in Mumbai

Dust of Soul will release a new song ‘Smile’ in ear­ly 2020. The music video is fea­tur­ing Indi­an Actor Yash Choud­hary and was filmed in Jan­u­ary 2020 in Mumbai.

Dust of Soul is Rock’n’Rolling this summer

With the “Dust of Soul Open Air 2019” Dust of Soul are intro­duc­ing their new col­lab­o­ra­tion with Swiss gui­tarist Joe Degen

Opera Pop fea­tur­ing with African Rapper

With their new album “Dust of Soul In Col­ors” the ‘Opera Pop’ duo releas­es a new ver­sion of their song “Feel” with Rap­per Yaw Boso

Song with Columbian Super­star Rodry-Go

Dust of Soul fea­tures a song of their new album with Columbian singer & per­cus­sion­ist Rodry-Go


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