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Cab­in Creek Crys­tals presents Dust of Soul: Intu­itive Music Read­ing in San­ta Monica

4 January 2024

Dust of Soul are “intu­itive music read­ers”. After an 11-year jour­ney around the world with “Music for Heal­ing and Inspi­ra­tion,” the intu­itive duo makes their first U.S. appear­ance with “Intu­itive Music Read­ing” at Cab­in Creek Crys­tals in San­ta Monica.

After an 11-year jour­ney around the world with “Music for Heal­ing and Inspi­ra­tion,” the intu­itive duo makes their first U.S. appear­ance with “Intu­itive Music Read­ing” at Cab­in Creek Crys­tals San­ta Mon­i­ca. Join the Switzer­land duo as they grace the cab­in creek space with anoth­er intu­itive music read­ing session.

«Set great inten­tions for the new year with a Dust of Soul intu­itive music read­ing session! »

— Cab­in Creek Crys­tals San­ta Monica

Dive in to an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence on your per­son­al “Intu­itive Music Read­ing”. Your ener­gy has a unique melody – a har­mo­ny that is unlike any oth­er. Hear­ing your ener­gy as music opens up a new world to your­self. It tells the cur­rent sto­ry of your heart and opens up an inner con­ver­sa­tion. This expe­ri­ence imme­di­ate­ly has an impact on your­self. It can heal, align and strength­en your inner self with your heart to find your purpose. 

Dust of Soul guide you through a relax­ing and uplift­ing ses­sion flow:

  • Music Breath­ing: At the begin­ning the goal is to help every­one relax. Intu­itive pianist Michael Oder­matt, known as “MiKey”, begins to play the piano intu­itive­ly and gen­tly. His com­po­si­tions are cre­at­ed in the moment, guid­ed by the ener­gy of every­one present and the space. Intu­itive singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble, known as “Dusty,” guides the audi­ence through “Music Breathing”.
  • Intu­itive Music Read­ing: Dust of Soul begin with their intu­itive way of “read­ing” the ener­gy of every­one present and the room as a group and imme­di­ate­ly reflect­ing it in a vocal-piano musi­cal per­for­mance (“Intu­itive Music Read­ing”). Dusty intu­itive­ly sings the melodies with lyrics at the spot and MiKey intu­itive­ly plays the har­monies on the piano.

After the per­for­mance, both intu­itive read­ers will share their insights, feed­back, and reflec­tions based on the read­ing. The audi­ence is also invit­ed to reflect. Dust of Soul con­cludes each ses­sion with brief announce­ments and a ground­ing activity.


The sto­ry behind

Singer Dusty expe­ri­enced a mirac­u­lous event when she healed only through the vibra­tion of her voice from a par­al­iz­ing brain stroke. Ever since she chan­nels intu­itive melodies and lyrics in her per­for­mances live at the spot.

Dust of Soul’s intu­itive musi­cal pow­er can be a trans­for­ma­tive heal­ing expe­ri­ence as intu­itive music has the poten­tial to move peo­ple for­ward and bring about pos­i­tive change.

«With their intu­itive way of “read­ing” ener­gy and reflect­ing it in a music per­for­mance (Intu­itive Music Read­ing), Dust of Soul have already had a sig­nif­i­cant pos­i­tive impact on the health and men­tal strength of numer­ous peo­ple in all industries.»

— Dust of Soul

Wednes­days at Cab­in Creek Crystals

Cel­e­brate your ener­gy and raise your heart vibration.

YOU wish to acti­vate your own pos­i­tive pow­er?
YOU need a pos­i­tive change in your life?
YOU search answers on how to go for­ward on your journey?

Make a wish for 2024 and cel­e­brate your ener­gy and raise your heart vibra­tion at our spe­cial “Intu­itive Music Read­ing“ event for the audience.

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