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Con­cert under the Arcades in Zurich

31 August 2014

A con­cert evening beau­ti­ful­ly con­duct­ed out­side on a won­der­ful warm sun­ny sum­mer day under the arcades at the Metropol in Zurich. The unique build­ing near Parade­platz at the riv­er Lim­mat unveiled as a won­der­ful out­side loca­tion with won­der­ful acoustics.

The spe­cial ambi­ence of the con­cert evening attract­ed guests from all parts of Switzer­land to enjoy a unique atmos­phere expe­ri­enc­ing the Swiss Duo Dust of Soul. The audi­ence was fas­ci­nat­ed by the pianist MiKey play­ing the Grand Piano out­side and the singer Dusty per­form­ing with her strong soul­ful voice with­out a micro­phone a won­der­ful con­cert evening.
Won­der­ful melodies start­ed to unfold dur­ing the evening tak­ing the guests on a musi­cal jour­ney. The fas­ci­nat­ed numer­ous guests wit­nessed new com­po­si­tions aris­ing out of this inspi­ra­tional night under the arcades.

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