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Copyright © 2012-2024 Dust of Soul. All Rights Reserved.

Fea­tured in


Empow­er­ing Fam­i­ly Health
Pod­cast, USA, 29 Nov 2024
Heartache, Health, and Healing
Pod­cast, USA, 31 Oct 2024
All Things Ther­a­py Podcast
Pod­cast, USA, 4 Apr 2024

The Me First Mind­set Pod­cast
Pod­cast, USA, 25 Mar 2024

Mys­tic Jour­ney Pod­cast
Pod­cast, USA, 3 Aug 2023

Glück­find­er Pod­cast
Pod­cast, Ger­many, 27 Nov 2015

TV / Radio Appearances

Radio X
Radio sta­tion, Switzer­land, 14 Nov 2023

Wet­zikon TV
TV sta­tion, Switzer­land, 13 Sep 2023

Radio sta­tion, Switzer­land, 8 Sep 2023

RTCI Tunis
Radio sta­tion, Tunisia, 31 Jul 2023

Radio sta­tion, Switzer­land, 24 Apr 2023

TV sta­tion, Switzer­land, 10 Apr 2023

Tele M1
TV sta­tion, Switzer­land, 19 Sep 2022

Arolfinger Lokalfernsehen Alf TV

Alf TV
TV sta­tion, Switzer­land, 8 Jan 2022

TV sta­tion, Switzer­land, 18 Okt 2021

Oman 90.4 FM

Sul­tanate of Oman Radio
Radio sta­tion, Oman, 23 Nov 2020

Tele M1
TV sta­tion, Switzer­land, 23 Okt 2019

TV sta­tion, Switzer­land, 14 May 2019

Spi­tal­ra­dio LUZ
Radio sta­tion, Switzer­land, 29 Mar 2019

Muscat Daily

Mus­cat Dai­ly
News­pa­per video Por­tal, Oman, 28 Nov 2018

Tele M1
TV sta­tion, Switzer­land, 23 Okt 2019

TV sta­tion, Switzer­land, 29 Jun 2018

Manora­ma News
TV sta­tion, India, 29 Mar 2018

Oman 90.4 FM

TFM Times of Oman Radio
Radio sta­tion, Oman, 1 Apr 2018

TV sta­tion, Switzer­land, 19 Dec 2017

TV sta­tion, Switzer­land, 28 Nov 2017

Times of Oman TV
TV sta­tion, Oman, 24 Oct 2017

Sul­tanate of Oman TV
TV sta­tion, Oman, 9 Oct 2017

Merge FM
Radio sta­tion, Oman, 28 Jul 2017

Sul­tanate of Oman Radio
Radio sta­tion, Oman, 12 Oct 2016

TV sta­tion, Switzer­land, 30 May 2016

Tunisia 1
TV sta­tion, Tunisia, 26 Sep 2015

Radio sta­tion, Tunisia, 5 Sep 2015

Express FM
Radio sta­tion, Tunisia, 5 Sep 2015

Radio sta­tion, Tunisia, 28 Aug 2015

Spi­tal­ra­dio LUZ
Radio sta­tion, Switzer­land, Dec 2012

News­pa­pers & Magazines


Music video «Lost» select­ed «Best Orig­i­nal­i­ty» at Music Video Awards Los Ange­les in Feb­ru­ary 2023 (USA)
Acclaimed cul­ture mag­a­zine «NAZAR Kul­tur­magazin» releas­es Spe­cial Edi­tion October/November 2022 issue about «10 Years Dust of Soul» (Switzer­land)
Known from «MTV INDIA UNPLUGGED» in Mus­cat (Oman)
Dust of Soul com­pose & ded­i­cate the song «THE COLOR OF OMAN IS LOVE» to the Sul­tan of Oman and per­form it live on his birth­day on the 48th Nation­al Day 2018 in the Mus­cat Amphithe­ater with 25 Omani musicians
«Excel­lent artis­tic fash­ion style. Excel­lent stage pres­ence. Extreme­ly descrip­tive. Very inter­ac­tive» BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSIC (Boston, USA) & SONY MUSIC
Swiss-Indi­an video project «Vic­to­ry» with «The Dhar­avi Dream Project Mum­bai» (UNIVERSAL MUSIC INDIA) reach­es half a mil­lion clicks
160 con­certs on 3 con­ti­nents in 9 coun­tries, 4 mil­lion music and video streams on major stream­ing plat­forms such as Apple Music, Spo­ti­fy, YouTube, Face­book, 220,000 fol­low­ers, 100 press appear­ances on TV, radio and in print and dig­i­tal media

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