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NAZAR cul­ture mag­a­zine spe­cial edi­tion at news­stands through­out Switzerland

The October/November 2022 edi­tion of the NAZAR Kul­tur­magazin pub­lish­es a spe­cial edi­tion about “10 years of Dust of Soul”. Now at kiosks through­out Switzerland.

Invi­ta­tion to the dai­ly talk on TV chan­nel «Tele M1»

Dust of Soul about their dream, the upcom­ing show «BACK TO THE FUTURE – 10 Years Dust of Soul» and «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» on Tele M1.

First live stream «Piano with MiKey»

Dust of Soul wel­come you to a new series of «Piano with MiKey». They take you onto a jour­ney with free impro­vised piano com­po­si­tions along with a strong Dust of Soul message.

New Album «Won­der­land» This Sum­mer 2021

Dust of Soul announces their new album «Won­der­land» to be released in sum­mer 2021.

Tas­ten­träume at the Lake, at Cin­e­ma, at Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum

Live shows with a Grand Piano “Live at the Lake” on a won­der­ful late sum­mer evening in Lucerne. And right in a movie the­atre for a live per­for­mance after a music video pre­miere. Always there: the Tas­ten­träume Grand Piano.

Music in times of the Coro­na crisis

When every­thing is going nor­mal­ly it is easy to be there for each oth­er. But what if the extra­or­di­nary sit­u­a­tion is pro­claimed? Dust of Soul say thank you to every­one who gives every­thing dur­ing the Coro­na cri­sis to help peo­ple with their new song ‘Min Held’.

Opera/Pop debut per­for­mance kicks off India Tour 2020

Mum­bai is full of Bol­ly­wood, cul­ture – inter­na­tion­al artists bring­ing audi­ences to dif­fer­ent venues, clubs, and bars every sin­gle night. And Mum­bai is also the city where Dust of Soul will appear live for the first time in India.

Swiss Artists pro­mot­ing their music in Oman

Dust of Soul is invit­ed into the Mid­dle East for Meet­ings and the next steps about plan­ning events and con­certs on the Ara­bi­an peninsula

Por­trait by Amer­i­can Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Der­rick Feole

Amer­i­can Der­rick Feole por­trayed Dust of Soul as the first pho­tog­ra­ph­er inno­v­a­tive and authen­tic vision­ar­ies with their approach to ele­gance and the exquis­ite pic­tured mag­i­cal­ly in the time­less Grand­ho­tel Giessbach


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