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Shopping Center Forum «Megatrends 2025» Radisson Blu Hotel, Zurich Airport

Mega­trends at Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum 2021

3 September 2021

Lifestyle hubs instead of tem­ples of con­sump­tion: the shop­ping cen­ters are in the midst of a trans­for­ma­tion that is also a time of recon­sid­er­a­tion and (re-) vital­iza­tion. «Dust of Soul» also take an active part in this change. They call their con­certs «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er»: «Who­ev­er goes to our con­certs should feel bet­ter after­wards», as quot­ed the dai­ly news­pa­per «Biel­er Tag­blatt» on 1 Sep­tem­ber 2021, the Dust of Soul Singer Sask­ia Stäuble.

Shop­ping Cen­ter Forum 2021 Poster

Dig­i­ti­za­tion is cur­rent­ly the most impor­tant trend – in all indus­tries, be it shop­ping or music. But the need for an expe­ri­ence remains out­side. Both indus­tries live from the moment one to one in a unique atmos­phere. This is not pos­si­ble dig­i­tal­ly.
A sales tal­ent can­not be replaced by an online shop, how­ev­er well pro­grammed. So vir­tu­al­ly per­form­ing musi­cians on the com­put­er screen can nev­er touch their audi­ence like they do live.

How­ev­er, what is known as «con­ve­nience through tech­nol­o­gy» is becom­ing impor­tant. In retail this means, for exam­ple, online pay­ment or inspi­ra­tion in social media in advance – in the music world, the lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence of songs expe­ri­enced live over and over again on Spo­ti­fy or Apple Music.

The ques­tion there­fore aris­es: Who are the new stars in the indus­try? Who­ev­er uses his capac­i­ties most effi­cient­ly presents him­self most attrac­tive­ly. A very impor­tant point in the retail and music busi­ness, because it’s always about people.

Music of pos­i­tive power

Music as we know it only becomes music when sev­er­al tones are lined up, stacked on top of each oth­er, alter­nat­ing dynam­i­cal­ly and har­mo­nious­ly in rhyth­mic pat­terns. Breaks are essen­tial. All of these for­mu­las and pat­terns give expres­sion to the whole con­struct. A «mes­sage» that res­onates with the audi­ence. This sonorous and pow­er­ful cre­ation then trig­gers emo­tions in the lis­ten­er. Only then does music become music. Then what emerges is what the live musi­cian lives for: the musi­cal experience.

Dust of Soul intend to cre­ate a pos­i­tive effect on their lis­ten­ers with their music.

“Any­one who vis­its our con­certs should feel bet­ter afterwards”

Dust of Soul Singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Biel­er Tag­blatt, 1 Sep­tem­ber 2021

For this, deeply mean­ing­ful top­ics that have an expres­sive mes­sage are impor­tant. The Dust of Soul singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble writes her songs from every­day life. She takes up top­ics that every­one can under­stand. Musi­cal­ly, too, the songs should be catchy and engag­ing – the sim­pler the bet­ter. Because music is for every­one. It is what con­nects us all. Very straight­for­ward and natural.


Change of scene. It’s the same in retail: the prod­ucts should delight, inspire and appeal. It’s about the peo­ple. The cre­ators, ini­tia­tors, inven­tors, pro­duc­ers who real­ize an idea and want to touch their cus­tomers with it. Want to improve or enrich their lives.

It’s true: today’s mod­ern times enable exchange on con­stant­ly new, con­stant­ly devel­op­ing plat­forms. A more diverse and cre­ative mar­ket­ing is now pos­si­ble, which at the same time opens up new dimen­sions – espe­cial­ly geographically.

Tal­ent­ed sales­peo­ple are more required here, as are musi­cians. Cre­ativ­i­ty and inno­va­tion are the key points. This trans­for­ma­tion has been going on for a long time. And the poten­tial is far from exhausted.

Every­thing merges and is net­worked. It has to be thought through. This is a real chal­lenge, but one that brings us a lot further.

Human­i­ty First

Dust of Soul are active­ly par­tic­i­pat­ing in this change. Her music can now be heard on all com­mon music stream­ing plat­forms and her music videos can be played any­where. Her offer also goes far beyond “con­cert book­ings”: impor­tant life expe­ri­ences are based on her spe­cial­ly ini­ti­at­ed art projects in Tunisia, Oman and India. Real sto­ries, such as the appear­ance on the birth­day of the Sul­tan of Oman or the film shoot in the slums of India, find their place in a moti­va­tion­al speech. Then Dust of Soul rein­force their per­for­mance with musi­cal inter­ludes, because their songs go hand in hand with their state­ments. They also offer men­tal music train­ing. «Bring the music by your side and feel the pow­er – a work­out for every­one.» And the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a tai­lor-made song: “Your very own song (Your Ener­gy, Your Song), com­posed live by Dust of Soul dur­ing the per­for­mance – pri­vate for you or at your event”. Because Dust of Soul not only inspire with song­writ­ing in the tra­di­tion­al sense. They cre­ate at least one song in each of their con­certs live on stage – with­out rehears­ing or dis­cussing beforehand.


All orig­i­nal Dust of Soul songs with a lot of pow­er, engag­ing pop influ­ences, light bal­lads, ener­getic rhythms and heart-touch­ing charm


Real sto­ries, like the appear­ance on the birth­day of the Sul­tan of Oman, or the music video film­ing in the slums of India


Your very own song, com­posed live by Dust of Soul dur­ing the per­for­mance – pri­vate­ly for you or at your event


New unique music expe­ri­ence: Music turns into col­ors – Find new insights for yourself


Bring the music by your side and feel the pow­er – a men­tal train­ing for everyone

All of this is based on the Dust of Soul cam­paign “Human­i­ty First”. This result­ed in an asso­ci­a­tion with which Dust of Soul ini­ti­ate and imple­ment art projects and events worldwide.

And it is pre­cise­ly this ori­gin of human­i­ty that must not be lost. Not even in the retail busi­ness. The stages belong to the peo­ple. There­fore it is impor­tant to define new solu­tion con­cepts based on the prin­ci­ple of humanity.

This is how new dreams, new trends, and also «mega­trends» arise.

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