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Vic­to­ry – When Swiss Opera/Pop meets India

6 November 2019

Swiss Opera/Pop is the first of its kind. What hap­pens if it meets Indi­an music? Vic­to­ry – A pow­er­ful fusion. Dust of Soul have cre­at­ed «Vic­to­ry» there­of. The music video was filmed in the Dhar­avi slums of Mum­bai. On 26 Octo­ber 2019, the music video pre­miered on big screen in a won­der­ful cer­e­mo­ny con­cert at Château Gütsch in Switzerland.

The count­down all count­ed down at the pre­miere ‘down from 10. At exact­ly 9:00 p.m. on Sat­ur­day evening on Octo­ber 26, 2019 the time had come: the world­wide pre­miere of the new Dust of Soul video’ Vic­to­ry ‘took place on the big screen in the Château Gütsch. You could watch world­wide via Face­book. At the same time, the music video went live on YouTube. A great moment for the Swiss musi­cians Dusty and MiKey. And also for many chil­dren and young peo­ple in Mumbai.

Vic­to­ry Offi­cial Poster
Dust of Soul – Vic­to­ry (Offi­cial Video) feat. Mc Sid­du | The Dhar­avi Dream Project Mumbai


Dust of Soul delib­er­ate­ly choos­es its projects. The focus is always on mov­ing things and touch­ing peo­ple. The musi­cians like to involve artists in their projects. Anoth­er col­lab­o­ra­tion with India was almost inevitable, because their new album “Dust of Soul In Col­ors” titled two songs with an Indi­an touch. The dance fusion with the Indi­an dance school ‘White Rose Insti­tute of Music & Arts’ in Mus­cat, Oman was immor­tal­ized in the beau­ti­ful music video ‘Flow’.

Watch on Facebook

The ‘Flow’ final­ly moved Dust of Soul to Mum­bai in May 2019.


Mumbai’s Dhar­avi slums are one of the largest in the world. The film “Slum­dog Mil­lion­aire”, released in 2008, showed sto­ries from the Dhar­avi for the first time in a world for­mat. A world of its own is revealed: cre­ative peo­ple prac­tice var­i­ous art forms – tra­di­tion­al Indi­an and mod­ern – espe­cial­ly chil­dren and young peo­ple. The Dhar­avi is also called “The HIP HOP Cap­i­tal of Mumbai”.

In the mid­dle of the slums there is an active project for chil­dren and young peo­ple: The “The Dhar­avi Dream Project” is com­mit­ted to young peo­ple and pro­motes them through music, art and dance forms. This ini­tia­tive comes from Qyu­ki, a local dig­i­tal media con­tent pro­duc­er in Mum­bai, and the Uni­ver­sal Music Group, the music indus­try giant. Qyu­ki co-founder Samir Ban­gara, CEO of Uni­ver­sal Music Group Devraj Sanyal, music direc­tor A.R. Rah­man, film direc­tor & pro­duc­er Shekhar Kapur and entre­pre­neur Dol­ly Rateshwar.

Dust of Soul first came into con­tact with the Dhar­avi Dream project via Insta­gram. Dol­ly Ratesh­war was imme­di­ate­ly enthu­si­as­tic about the idea of ​​the col­lab­o­ra­tion between Swiss musi­cians and Indi­an artists.


For the first time in his­to­ry, ‘Opera Pop’ met Indi­an art forms. Dust of Soul ini­ti­at­ed this fusion with their song ‘Vic­to­ry’. The piece of music was released as part of the new album “Dust of Soul In Col­ors” on March 24, 2019 at the record bap­tism in Switzer­land (see the arti­cle

On their first trip to Mum­bai in May 2019, the musi­cian duo planned the shoot­ing of their lat­est music video ‘Vic­to­ry’. The lyrics are about the inner tri­umphal march and are iden­ti­cal to the mot­to of “The Dhar­avi Dream Project”: “We aim to give under-resourced hip-hop tal­ent a voice to cel­e­brate, to per­form and empow­er young under-resourced tal­ent not only in Dhar­avi of Mum­bai but Dharavi’s of the world ”(from the Eng­lish:“ We want to give hip-hop tal­ents with lit­tle resources a voice, with which they young tal­ent with lit­tle resources not only in Dhar­avi in ​​Mum­bai, but also in Dhar­avi all over Cel­e­brate, per­form and pro­mote the world ”).

Dust of Soul took the pic­tures over three days – scenes with beat box­ing, break danc­ing, rap­ping and graf­fi­ti art. Around 30 chil­dren and young peo­ple were involved in the pro­duc­tion. Dust of Soul singer and pianist direct­ed the film him­self. The scenes were spon­ta­neous­ly designed freely. The musi­cians fol­lowed the impuls­es of the Dhar­avi artists and gave the pro­duc­tion space for free development.

The musi­cians filmed fur­ther scenes in the rooftop lounge and ter­race of the ‘ITC Grand Cen­tral Hotel’ in Mumbai.


Dust of Soul Victory Music Night
Dust of Soul Vic­to­ry Music Night on 26 Octo­ber 2019 at Château Gütsch Lucerne

The new music video ‘Vic­to­ry’ was pre­sent­ed to the pub­lic on a big screen on Octo­ber 26, 2019 at the Château Gütsch Cas­tle in Lucerne, Switzerland.

Dust of Soul cel­e­brat­ed the pre­miere with the audi­ence as a high­light of the unplugged con­cert “Acoustic Live Show‘ In Col­ors ’” with a cake.

Per­cus­sion­ist Jor­dan from Ghana and gui­tarist Migueli­to Capa, alias ‘Mike Capa’ from the Philip­pines, attend­ed the “Vic­to­ry Music Night” on Octo­ber 26th (read more here: -with video pre­miere) with Dust of Soul on stage. Around 80 guests were present and were enchant­ed by the “Dust of Soul Show”.


Singer Dusty’s dress was kind­ly pro­vid­ed by Moda Pra­do from Emmen­brücke. Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Sonia Hellmüller was present at the con­cert. Thank you for this great collaboration.

The suit by pianist MiKey was spon­sored by Cle­ofe Finati from the Ital­ian fash­ion house Arche­tipo – a cre­ation 100% hand­made in Italy.

The Dust of Soul con­cert was sup­port­ed by local part­ners and spon­sors: The Garage Gal­lik­er from Kriens, Autoser­vice Schmidlin in Lit­tau / Lucerne, the HÖR-Stu­dio Ralf Scholze from Emmen­brücke, Hen­ninger Infor­matik from Zurich, Maria Con­sul­ta­tions from Emmen, Prac­tice for clas­sic home­opa­thy in Kriens, event tech­nol­o­gy Stutz Event Light­ing from Hochdorf / Lucerne, MT Pho­tog­ra­phy Mar­ius Tausch, tick­et­ing part­ner Tick­etino, event part­ner Hotel Château Gütsch in Lucerne and the Blu­men­haus Blu­men & Mehr in Lit­tau / Lucerne. Thank you for the great support.

  • Title pho­tog­ra­phy by Sumeet Vas­ant Sonale
  • Vic­to­ry Release (Offi­cial Poster) from Dust of Soul
  • Music video ‘Dust of Soul – Vic­to­ry (Offi­cial Video) feat. Mc Sid­du | The Dhar­avi Dream Project Mum­bai, source YouTube
  • Music video ‘Dust of Soul – Flow (Offi­cial Music Video), source Facebook
  • 5 pro­mo­tion­al graph­ics from Dust of Soul
  • Pho­tog­ra­phy from the record bap­tism on March 24, 2019 in the The­ater Pavil­lon Luzern by MT Pho­tog­ra­phy Mar­ius Tausch
  • Self­ie pho­tog­ra­phy in the Dhar­avi slums of Mum­bai, India by Dust of Soul
  • Vic­to­ry Music Night (Offi­cial Poster) by Dust of Soul
  • Con­cert pho­tographs by MT Pho­tog­ra­phy Mar­ius Tausch
  • Music video ‘Dust of Soul – Vic­to­ry feat. Mc Sid­du (With The Dhar­avi Dream Project Mum­bai), source Facebook
  • Text by Dust of Soul | Michael Odermatt

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