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«Won­der­land on Ice» Show on sus­tain­able ice field at DISPO Nidau

12 December 2021

Dust of Soul devel­oped and designed a «Won­der­land Show» this year with all new songs. These songs are part of the same-named album «Won­der­land». The pop­u­lar­i­ty of the show made Dust of Soul adapt it to the ice. On 11th Decem­ber Dust of Soul inau­gu­rat­ed the ice field at DISPO in Nidau with «Won­der­land on Ice».

This week­end, the new songs with the char­ac­ters from Tim Burton’s «Alice in Won­der­land» could be expe­ri­enced “on Ice”. Dust of Soul tru­ly cre­at­ed a Won­der­land this year with their new album release and tour pro­gram. Espe­cial­ly in times of a rav­aging pan­dem­ic, human­i­ty needs a «Won­der­land».
All Dust of Soul songs have a fun­da­men­tal con­cept to inspire and moti­vate the audi­ence with the duo’s «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» and sto­ry­telling. This is what music can do best: to empow­er peo­ple and spread pos­i­tiv­i­ty, hope, and joy. 

Dust of Soul inter­pret­ed the show with lots of actions and emo­tions: Cuban dancer Yonel slipped into the role of the «Mad Hat­ter», anoth­er char­ac­ter of Tim Burton’s «Alice in Won­der­land», and per­formed an expres­sive dance to the duo’s new song «Suit­case Memories». 

Three oth­er songs were super­charged with dance per­for­mances by the Biel dance group «Radioac­tive Dancecrew».

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