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New Dates for the “In Col­ors” Tour Just Announced

28 December 2019

The “In Col­ors” tour 2019 was a huge suc­cess, end­ing the year in a Top 10 result at the Nation­al Finals of an Euro­pean Con­test and com­pli­ments from the Berklee Col­lege of Music and Sony Music. Now the tour con­tin­ues… with new dates and an epic start: A New Year’s Con­cert in the exquis­ite Panora­ma Hall at Hotel See­burg in Lucerne. On stage: Dust of Soul & Friends. 

Dust of Soul released their debut album on 24 March 2019 to the pub­lic with a release show full of sur­pris­es: Only to par­tic­i­pate in the show, twelve Indi­an dancers flew from Oman to Switzer­land. Oman dai­ly newspaper’s reporter Anir­ban Ray from “Mus­cat Dai­ly” pub­lished an arti­cle about this hap­pen­ing. Nev­er before such an inter­cul­tur­al event hap­pened. Apart from the Indi­an guests, artists from South Amer­i­ca, Africa, and Europe par­tic­i­pat­ed in the show: Columbian Per­cus­sion­ist & Singer Rodry-Go, Ghana­ian Rap­per Yaw Boso, Swiss Bal­let dancer Alexan­dra Hun­zik­er, and Swiss Break­dancer Marc ‘Addict­ed’ Spring. The album was ful­ly cel­e­brat­ed and debuted in grace for Dust of Soul.

Refresh, sur­prise & inspire

Dust of Soul bring new fusions that refresh, sur­prise, and inspire, so the feed­back from the “In Col­ors” tour 2019. Also their unique genre – ‘Opera Pop’ – tells a lot about their open­ness, moder­ni­ty, and cre­ativ­i­ty. All songs are Dust of Soul orig­i­nals. All are writ­ten with a mean­ing­ful mes­sage to help peo­ple pur­sue their dreams and find new strength and brav­ery in life to do what they want to do. 

Dust of Soul auf Spotify

Music has the pow­er to change lives. That is not only what Singer Dusty and Pianist MiKey expe­ri­ence in con­certs, but also in their human­i­tar­i­an projects they ini­ti­ate around the world. With their cam­paign ‘Human­i­ty First’ in mind, Dust of Soul tries to con­nect, col­lab­o­rate, and cre­ate togeth­er with local artists. 

Indi­an Fusions

Dust of Soul is known for its fusions all around the world. After their 2018 fusion with an Indi­an school in Oman, they just launched their ‘Opera Pop’ fusion with Hin­di rap & beat-box­ing in Octo­ber 2019. They filmed the music video in the Dhar­avi of Mum­bai. Dhar­avi is a local­i­ty in Mum­bai, Maha­rash­tra, India, con­sid­ered to be one of the world’s largest slums. Dust of Soul came across this fas­ci­nat­ing project on Insta­gram: “The Dhar­avi Dream Project”. High­ly tal­ent­ed kids from the Dhar­avi par­tic­i­pate in this school to work on their skills, be it rap­ping, beat-box­ing, break-danc­ing or bboy­ing, or being a Graf­fi­ti artist. Where the tal­ent is, there is also the will. 

Dol­ly Ratesh­war, co-founder of the move­ment, organ­ised a cast­ing with the kids for Dust of Soul to select the rap­per for their fea­tur­ing. Amongst Mc Heam, Dust of Soul met very tal­ent­ed young artists, such as ‘Mc Sid­du’. They decid­ed to work with him. Two months lat­er, Dust of Soul are over­whelmed by the suc­cess: more than half a mil­lion views the video has gen­er­at­ed so far on YouTube and Face­book – and for Switzer­land being a rather small coun­try (with a pop­u­la­tion of around sev­en mil­lion peo­ple) this makes it a huge success. 

To cel­e­brate this suc­cess with the kids from the Dhar­avi, Dust of Soul will trav­el again to their school to meet them and over­hand a dona­tion in the name of the Human­i­ty First Orga­ni­za­tion. For Dust of Soul it meant every­thing that the kids par­tic­i­pat­ed in their new music video Victory.

Dust of Soul – Vic­to­ry (Offi­cial Video) feat. Mc Sid­du (With the Dhar­avi Dream Project Mumbai)

New dates: Dust of Soul & Friends

To build a career with friend­ships is the most beau­ti­ful way there is. Dust of Soul are proud of their friends and deeply thank­ful for their sup­port through­out their music jour­ney. On stage they are always with friends. That is why they announce a New Year’s Con­cert with Friends: Sene­galese Drum­mer Omar Diad­ji, Span­ish Bassist Rober­to Car­ras­co, and Indi­an dancer from Bol­ly­wood Lotus Dancers will be on stage with Dust of Soul on the 2nd of Feb­ru­ary 2020.

Dust of Soul New Year's Concert Hotel Seeburg Lucerne
Dust of Soul & Friends New Year’s Con­cert Hotel See­burg Lucerne

This year’s New Year Con­cert will be held as part of the new dates announce­ment of the “In Col­ors” tour at the exquis­ite Panora­masaal at Hotel See­burg in Lucerne. The con­certs starts at 3:00 PM with the doors open­ing half an hour before. At the end Dust of Soul offers to clink glass­es with their audi­ence as a sym­bol of grat­i­tude and friend­ship. You are all welcome.

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