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Not Health­care Advice

By request­ing a read­ing and/or sched­ul­ing an appoint­ment with Dust of Soul – Sask­ia Staeu­ble (Dusty) and Michael Oder­matt (MiKey), you under­stand and agree that both Sask­ia Staeu­ble and Michael Oder­matt are not med­ical pro­fes­sion­als or oth­er licensed pro­fes­sion­als, and can­not give med­ical advice. Any infor­ma­tion or advice giv­en by Sask­ia Staeu­ble and Michael Oder­matt are not to be used by you in place of any med­ical or finan­cial advice or diag­no­sis from qual­i­fied and licensed pro­fes­sion­als in those fields. Read­ings by Sask­ia Staeu­ble and Michael Oder­matt (Dust of Soul) are intend­ed to offer insight into your per­son­al life and do not in any way con­sti­tute med­ical or any advice. Sask­ia Staeu­ble and Michael Oder­matt (Dust of Soul) will not be held liable for any dam­ages result­ing from the use of this web­site or as a result of any read­ing or appoint­ment with Sask­ia Staeu­ble and Michael Oder­matt (Dust of Soul), or any per­sons or events relat­ed there­to, and/or any actions or deci­sions that you may make as a result, includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion, actu­al, inci­den­tal and/or con­se­quen­tial dam­ages result­ing from any claims result­ing from any act or omis­sion, neg­li­gence, fraud­u­lent mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion or oth­er­wise, includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion, per­son­al injury, death, loss of income, stress (emo­tion­al or oth­er­wise), errors or omis­sions, or otherwise.

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