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Dust of Soul head­lin­ing in open air «Sounds of Summer»

30 August 2021

The asso­ci­a­tion Kul­tur­w­erk Ebikon launch­es «Sounds of Sum­mer», an open air on the stage in the Ebi­Gar­den near the Mall of Switzer­land head­lin­ing Dust of Soul, Cortés Kim­ber­ly, Seanchez, and more.

On Sat­ur­day, August 28, 2021 the open air «Sounds of Sum­mer». Six fan­tas­tic artists and bands were on stage and per­formed their own songs with pas­sion heat­ing up sum­mer with hot rhythms and spread­ed a good atmos­phere. «It’s over­whelm­ing how hap­py the bands and artists were about the per­for­mances and how they real­ly put their heart and soul into prepar­ing for this event. They all deserved to be passed by and sup­port­ed with applause,” empha­sizes Pres­i­dent Marc Bösch.

Poster «Sounds of Sum­mer» 2021


Dust of Soul and Cortés Kim­ber­ly col­lab­o­rat­ed after the fes­ti­val in the Dust of Soul project «Won­der­land». The music video was released in Jan­u­ary 2022 on Dust of Soul’s offi­cial chan­nels and ever since gen­er­at­ed more than 615,000 views. 

Dust of Soul – Won­der­land | Dust of Soul Offi­cial YouTube channel

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