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Copyright © 2012-2025 Dust of Soul. All Rights Reserved.

Live in Los Ange­les, California

“Intuitive Music Reading” with Dust of Soul at Mystic Journey Bookstore
Thu 06 Mar 2025 
Mys­tic Jour­ney Book­store – San­ta Monica 
Unit­ed States 
Healers Vibe Market featuring Intuitive Music Reading in Downey
Sun 09 Mar 2025 
Lla­ma­da Office – Downey 
Unit­ed States 
Soul Song Journey “Abundance”
Sun 16 Mar 2025 
Soul Song Jour­ney “Abun­dance”

By Invi­ta­tion Only!

Pri­vate Res­i­dence – Los Angeles 
Unit­ed States 
Lunam Love Mystic Market with channeled Soul Songs
Sat 22 Mar 2025 
Lunam Love Mys­tic Mar­ket with chan­neled Soul Songs

Free to attend Mys­tic Mar­ket / Spe­cial Soul Song Mar­ket Price

Lunam Love – Whittier 
Unit­ed States 


Dis­cov­er & acti­vate your soul frequency

Heal­ing App

Lis­ten to chan­neled Soul Songs in 432 Hertz to heal spe­cif­ic aspects in your life and raise your vibration

$33 / month

Soul Song

Get your Soul Song chan­neled in your soul’s fre­quen­cy in a 1-on-1 ses­sion with Dust of Soul in 432 Hertz

$111 / month

Soul fre­quen­cy re-alignment

Re-align with your soul’s fre­quen­cy while lis­ten­ing to your chan­neled Soul Song through body activation

$188 / month


Vibrate in your nat­ur­al fre­quen­cy & attract what res­onates with you in harmony


Intu­itive Music Read­ing (Pri­vate Soul Song Ses­sion in San­ta Mon­i­ca, CA)


$49 (15 mins)
$98 (30 mins)
$155 (45 mins)


Intu­itive Music Read­ing (Pri­vate Soul Song Ses­sion online)

via Zoom

$49 (15 mins)
$98 (30 mins)
$155 (45 mins)


Intu­itive Music Read­ing (Pri­vate Soul Song Ses­sion at your home)

in Los Ange­les, California

$299 (60 mins)


Intu­itive Musicians

Dust of Soul per­form their music intu­itive­ly as a duo com­bin­ing their dis­tinc­tive strong, unique voice and pow­er­ful piano

«This group is tak­ing a unique path to music. They are doing inspi­ra­tional and impro­vi­sa­tion­al music when they get on stage. They have their songs, but they are also inter­act­ing with the audi­ence and feel­ing the ener­gy of the audience—something they call “Music Souling”—to let them express their music as it comes to them nat­u­ral­ly dur­ing the course of their concerts.»
– Jef­frey Segal, host of “The Mys­tic Jour­ney Pod­cast, Los Angeles”


Authen­tic Expression

 Music Video Awards Los Ange­les select­ed «Lost» “Best Orig­i­nal­i­ty” in 2023

Each of their songs has its own orig­i­nal expres­sion, which Dust of Soul also con­veys visu­al­ly in music videos. The change­abil­i­ty in the expres­sion of their songs sur­pris­es the audi­ence again and again. Exact­ly because of this lived cre­ativ­i­ty, Dust of Soul are authentic.


Heal­ing Aspect

Singer Dusty expe­ri­enced a mirac­u­lous event when she healed only through the vibra­tion of her voice from a par­al­iz­ing brain stroke. Ever since she chan­nels intu­itive melodies and lyrics in her per­for­mances live at the spot.

Dust of Soul’s mis­sion is real­ly to tie music in with heal­ing. With heal­ing of the audi­ence and the peo­ple they are with, their sounds, and their words, and their actions on stage. It’s real­ly super unique, and super new, and super popular.»
– Jef­frey Segal, host of “The Mys­tic Jour­ney Pod­cast, Los Angeles”


Unique Style

Chan­neled Music & Psy­chic Lyrics com­bined in a new music genre “Pos­i­tive Music Power”

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er, as Dust of Soul call their music, is their musi­cal con­cept that aims to spread pos­i­tiv­i­ty, inspi­ra­tion and empow­er­ment through their music. It is their phi­los­o­phy that dri­ves them to cre­ate music that moti­vates and pos­i­tive­ly impacts audiences.


Intu­itive Music Reading

Singing Psy­chic Medi­um and Psy­chic Pianist chan­nel and per­form in the heal­ing fre­quen­cy of 432 Hertz your Soul Song with vocals, lyrics and piano. You get a Soul Mes­sage Read­ing based on psy­chic mes­sages and musi­cal har­monies. You receive your Soul Song live record­ed in a high-res­o­lu­tion music file. As you lis­ten to your Soul Song after the ses­sion, your body’s cells start to vibrate in your soul fre­quen­cy. This acti­vates your pow­er and you will find your next steps. 

Music Soul­ing

“Music Soul­ing” is a unique music work­shop designed to assist artists, per­form­ers, entre­pre­neurs, and indi­vid­u­als in advanc­ing and suc­ceed­ing in their careers. Music Soul­ing is an inno­v­a­tive approach to “men­tal train­ing through music”, fea­tur­ing orig­i­nal songs that pro­vide a boost of pos­i­tive ener­gy to both per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al life.

Events & Concerts

Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er Events

High­ly emo­tion­al enter­tain­ment with a per­son­al pos­i­tive impact expe­ri­enced through a unique live per­for­mance of orig­i­nal music. Dis­cov­er immer­sive worlds.

Kids pro­gram

“Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er for Kids – Cre­ative Com­pos­ing” is intend­ed to show chil­dren how valu­able and pow­er­ful it is to intu­itive­ly com­pose a sto­ry and a song from their own ideas. They can take this song home with them, lis­ten to it at any time, sing along and acti­vate their own cre­ative power.

Din­ner show

One-of-a-kind high-class culi­nary and music in the exclu­sive set­ting of the “World Din­ner Con­cert”. The «World Din­ner Con­cert» with Dust of Soul is a unique and immer­sive expe­ri­ence that com­bines music, sto­ry­telling, and culi­nary delights. It takes you on a jour­ney of cul­tur­al explo­ration, as Dust of Soul bring togeth­er var­i­ous musi­cal gen­res and influ­ences from around the world. Their cap­ti­vat­ing, intu­tive per­for­mances, accom­pa­nied by deli­cious cui­sine, cre­ate a har­mo­nious and unfor­get­table evening of expe­ri­ence. It is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to indulge in both the audi­to­ry and gus­ta­to­ry sens­es, leav­ing you with a sense of con­nec­tion and enrichment

Live Speech­es

Behind Dust of Soul

Book Dust of Soul as a Speak­er in your event to inspire your audi­ence on how to prac­ti­cal­ly use your pos­i­tive pow­er in your dai­ly life.

Next events

“Intuitive Music Reading” with Dust of Soul at Mystic Journey Bookstore
Thu 06 Mar 2025 
Mys­tic Jour­ney Book­store – San­ta Monica 
Unit­ed States 
Healers Vibe Market featuring Intuitive Music Reading in Downey
Sun 09 Mar 2025 
Lla­ma­da Office – Downey 
Unit­ed States 
Soul Song Journey “Abundance”
Sun 16 Mar 2025 
Soul Song Jour­ney “Abun­dance”

By Invi­ta­tion Only!

Pri­vate Res­i­dence – Los Angeles 
Unit­ed States 
Lunam Love Mystic Market with channeled Soul Songs
Sat 22 Mar 2025 
Lunam Love Mys­tic Mar­ket with chan­neled Soul Songs

Free to attend Mys­tic Mar­ket / Spe­cial Soul Song Mar­ket Price

Lunam Love – Whittier 
Unit­ed States 

Book A “Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er” Event with Dust of Soul

Music & videos

Dis­cov­er the Award-win­ning Pos­i­tive Art of Dust of Soul


Join the “Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er” Movement

“Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er” is their move­ment that aims to spread pos­i­tiv­i­ty, inspi­ra­tion and empow­er­ment through music. It is a phi­los­o­phy that moti­vates and pos­i­tive­ly impacts people.

More than 200,000 souls are already part of the movement

BACK TO THE FUTURE – 10 Jahres Dust of Soul Show SCALA Zofingen

Con­nect for

Pos­i­tive Quotes
Inspir­ing Images
Moti­va­tion­al videos

Con­nect for

Pos­i­tive Quotes
Inspir­ing Images
Moti­va­tion­al Videos

Con­nect for

Moti­va­tion­al Reels
Engag­ing Live’s
Moti­va­tion­al Quotes

Media & Press

TV & radio


Dust of Soul

“Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er” Artists


Singing Psy­chic Medi­um & Moti­va­tion­al Life Coach


Intu­itive Psy­chic Pianist, Com­pos­er & Producer


SCALA Zofingen
Von Rütte-Gut

And many more


Take the step to unlock your pos­i­tive power

7 + 13 =

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