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Health Podium "Einsortiert – Mal Anders" Theater Pavillon Lucerne

The Pow­er of Music as a Heal­ing of Men­tal Health

21 October 2019

Music has a huge pow­er. This is proved by sci­ence. The asso­ci­a­tion «Gle­ich und Anders Switzer­land», in coop­er­a­tion with Dust of Soul, has devel­oped the con­cept «Ein­sortiert – mal » – an event series con­cen­trat­ed to the pro­mo­tion of men­tal health. Top­ics such as the pos­i­tive effect of music are dis­cussed in the podi­um. At the musi­cal per­for­mance of dust of soul, you can feel the effect of music like live.

A bad day or bad mood at a par­ty? Or just bore­dom? This is to be reme­died quick­ly with music. But music can do much more than just dri­ve away bore­dom: it can heal.
The Health Podi­um “Ein­sortiert – Mal Anders” is exact­ly that. What does a melody or lyrics do in a per­son? Is it pos­si­ble that human cells react to it?
Again and again you hear of peo­ple who have awak­ened from the coma by music ther­a­py. Even with depres­sion, the right music – or even mak­ing music or danc­ing – can have a pos­i­tive effect. The fact that the hor­mone sero­tonin is released in the body makes you feel bet­ter immediately.


The event series cel­e­brat­ed its pre­miere on 25 Sep­tem­ber 2019 in the the­ater hall of the The­ater Pavil­lon Lucerne. Dozens of guests in the col­or­ful mixed audi­ence felt live on their own, which pos­i­tive effect the music has. Dust of Soul clear­ly bet on this pow­er and intends to moti­vate, empow­er and inspire their audi­ence. Not only with her music, but also with her remark­able life sto­ry: The Dust of Soul Singer known as ‘Dusty’ suf­fered a stroke of fate before her 30th birth­day: a stroke with paral­y­sis of the left half of the body. Music was what helped her to come back to life.

Self com­pos­ing, singing, danc­ing acti­vates new brain cur­rents. So she recov­ered com­plete­ly. Today ‘Dusty’ is a singer on world­wide stages.

Your sto­ry may be an excep­tion, but at the next Tri­a­log­i­cal Health Podi­um, you can per­son­al­ly be touched by the pow­er of music, ask ques­tions to pro­fes­sion­als, and learn about infor­ma­tion that may make your way a lit­tle eas­i­er, mak­ing it even more of a tune of your life can dance.


In Lucerne, the podi­um was filled with per­son­al­i­ties from busi­ness and soci­ety: Singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble of Dust of Soul, for­mer restau­ra­teur Yvonne Schmied, Hei­di Schenker prac­tice SULA-Sun, Gian Pinösch of the IG Arbeit Lucerne, Ben­no Muff of the WAS/IV Lucerne and music ther­a­pist Lukas Rein­hardt. The pro­tag­o­nists dis­cussed about men­tal dis­or­ders. Ques­tions about how one’s own abil­i­ties can be acquired again in order to pur­sue one’s per­son­al inter­ests stood in the room. At this point we are look­ing for relax­ation. That sounds, har­monies and rhythms can have a heal­ing effect on the psy­che has been known for mil­len­nia. It is not with­out rea­son that music ther­a­py has seen a boom in recent years to treat phys­i­cal ail­ments as well as men­tal ill­ness­es such as depression.

Hans Schmied, host and mod­er­a­tor of the event series as well as pres­i­dent of the asso­ci­a­tion GLEICH UND ANDERS Switzer­land, put this top­ic in the fore­ground and asked the podi­um par­tic­i­pants for tips and tricks on how to stay men­tal­ly fit and recov­er. Besides music, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and con­fronta­tion is very important.


Oth­er events “Ein­sortiert – Mal Anders” will take place in the Ger­man-speak­ing Switzer­land and the Prin­ci­pal­i­ty of Liecht­en­stein: On 23 Octo­ber 2019, one event will take place in the Volk­shaus Zürich. The event starts at 7:30 PM in the ‘Blue Hall’. This will be fol­lowed by an event on 7 Novem­ber at the Silea Foun­da­tion in Thun (7:30 PM to 9.30 PM), on 14 Novem­ber at the Clin­icum Alpinum in Gaflei (6:30 PM to 8:30 PM) and on 19 Novem­ber at the Schlem­merei Emmen (7:30 PM to 9:30 PM).

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