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Cov­er Sto­ry in Swiss Mag­a­zine «Neue Wege Gehen»

5 February 2015

«Going an own way is nev­er easy. If you then would like to fol­low a path that is not trod­den down, a stony march is ahead of you. The duo Dust of Soul can lit­er­al­ly sing a song about this.» 

«These two are unstop­pable» the head­line the mag­a­zine opens their title sto­ry about Dust of Soul. Dust of Soul is a sto­ry of inspi­ra­tion, a way of believ­ing in one­self even in the dark­est time when there seems no way out and no light shines. These are the moments that bring us to our­selves so the next lit­tle step can be gone. Indeed, it needs a lot of courage and patience choos­ing the own way of pure authen­tic­i­ty and hon­esty. It is a jour­ney to the own self with chal­lenges to over­come that exist in our minds.

New York City was at the begin­ning of the sto­ry and con­tin­ues to be their great­est inspi­ra­tion. From the city’s spir­it – “every­thing is pos­si­ble” – to the Amer­i­can “Let’s do it” men­tal­i­ty one can feel a lot in the songs of Dust of Soul. Dusty and MiKey even say to have found a key to that leads through hard times: To believe in one­self and not to stop in between. This is a strong line of the lyrics in the song “Dream­ing”.

«The world of Dust of Soul is char­ac­ter­ized by warm humor, deep thoughts and hon­est emo­tions. One can­not imag­ine that at the begin­ning of all this was a blow of fate.» 

Intro­duc­tion by jour­nal­ist Nan­do Rohn­er of the article

The deter­mi­na­tion and strength Dusty and MiKey found in them­selves took a long path in their lives and goes back to the time when both stood before a deci­sion to quit their ‘nor­mal lives’ and fol­low their pas­sion – ful­ly with­out compromise.

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