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regioTALK with: Sask­ia Stäu­ble – Dust of Soul, the pos­i­tive singing Power

12 April 2023

Dust of Soul singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble, known as «Dusty», as a guest in the regioTALK pro­gram on regioTV­plus about the new music video «Lost» and «Pos­i­tive Music Power».

Dust of Soul will release their lat­est sin­gle «Lost» on April 29th, 2022 along with a very pow­er­ful and pro­found music video. Musi­cal­ly and lyri­cal­ly by the two musi­cians – singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble, known as «Dusty», and pianist Michael Oder­matt, known as «MiKey». Immerse your­self in a new «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» by Dust of Soul.

«Ich folge meinem Herzen. Das, was es mir sagt, das mache ich. Und zuhören meinem Herzen, mache ich durch Med­i­ta­tion und durch viel Selb­stre­flex­ion, zum Beispiel auch in den Wald gehen, viel Allein­sein mit mir sel­ber. Nur so höre ich, was der näch­ste Schritt in mein­er Musikreise ist.»

— Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Sän­gerin «Dusty» von Dust of Soul

«Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» in the music video «Lost»

I’m not “lost” at all, I know what I want. But those around me want to whis­per to me with the “Whis­per­ing Ghosts” that I’m “lost”. If I feel “lost”, I should go shop­ping, go to a par­ty, con­sume some­thing. And then you don’t feel so “lost” any­more. So, I rewrote the lyrics in the song to «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er». This means that at the end there is the res­o­lu­tion: you are not “lost”. But you’re wel­come to feel that way. But in the end it’s what you make of it.

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