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Biel­er Tag­blatt about Dust of Soul

1 September 2021

«Any­one who goes to our con­certs should feel bet­ter after­wards». The dai­ly news­pa­per «Biel­er Tag­blatt» writes about Dust of Soul, its con­cept «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» and its new «Won­der­land Con­cert Show».

«She is liv­ing her dream» is the title of the full-page arti­cle in the sup­ple­ment mag­a­zine «Raus!» the dai­ly news­pa­per «Biel­er Tagblatt».

Read the arti­cle here online.

Biel­er Tag­blatt, 01.09.2021, Beilage “Raus!”, Seite 6

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