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Indi­an TV Show «Gulf This Week» on Manora­ma News

29 March 2018

The Swiss singer & pianist duo Dust of Soul are cur­rent­ly work­ing on a Swiss-Indi­an-Project on the Ara­bi­an penin­su­la in the Sul­tanate of Oman. The Swiss musi­cians are shoot­ing in Mus­cat with Indi­an artists and musi­cians a music video while record­ing the music with dif­fer­ent Indi­an instru­ments. Lat­er on, the duo will be shoot­ing artists in Switzer­land to com­plete the Swiss-Indi­an-fusion. The Indi­an TV Sta­tion from Ker­ala met them for an Inter­view in the TV Show “Gulf This Week”.

Ear­ly morn­ings do they get up to catch the per­fect lights for the new Dust of Soul music video, of which the title has not been pub­lished offi­cial­ly yet. The two Swiss make it clear in the TV inter­view with Indi­an Manora­ma News TV Sta­tion it will be a fusion between the Swiss and Indi­an arts. The Swiss group intends to con­nect nations and cul­tures from around the world through their ini­tia­tive “Human­i­ty First”. They aim to bring artists togeth­er and cre­ate a symphony.Ms Gir­i­ja Baqer Menon, known under her Omani name Sad­diqa Suleiman, is a very well appre­ci­at­ed artist her­self and was famous for her activ­i­ties in and around Oman. When she met the Swiss musi­cians in Octo­ber 2017, she dis­cussed with them the need for a sign to sup­port school chil­dren in India as they suf­fer from autho­rised teach­ers. Accord­ing to her is a com­mon issue in India that teach­ers are mean to stu­dents when they do not meet the expec­ta­tions in terms of exams. As a con­se­quence it is not at all rare that those bad­ly treat­ed stu­dents com­mit sui­cide as they talk about the issues in school with their fam­i­lies. They would be scared to lose their face.Ms Gir­i­ja always believed in the pow­er of music to change sit­u­a­tions for a bet­ter world. There do the believes of Dust of Soul and hers meet, which is why the idea of a song for those kids was born.The Swiss duo sees this issue a glob­al prob­lem and there­fore widened the hori­zon and specter of the project to include Switzer­land. To involve as many artists as pos­si­ble will give it a strong message.

Gulf This Week Episode 526, 29 March 2018, Manora­ma News Offi­cial YouTube Channel

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