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Radio inter­view and song pre­miere “Suit­case Mem­o­ries” in radio RTCI Tunis

2 August 2023

Dust of Soul are inter­viewed on Tunis radio sta­tion RTCI about their new music and new era intro­duc­ing “Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er”. Their new­ly released song “Suit­case Mem­o­ries” pre­mieres on the inter­na­tion­al radio sta­tion live after the interview.

Mon­cef Labi­adth, radio pre­sen­ter and host: “Dust of Soul have been per­form­ing at Carthage in 2013. They also have many friends in Tunisia, all over the world, and they also fas­ci­nate many peo­ple. We inter­viewed this won­der­ful group, fan­tas­tic group here on Mon­day. Here is the con­tent plus the new song released by the two: “Suit­case Mem­o­ries”. Here we go.”

Radio RTCI Tunis Inter­view with Dust of Soul | Dust of Soul Offi­cial YouTube Channel

«Dust of Soul are pos­i­tive music pow­er, so to speak, the inter­na­tion­al­ly known music duo that com­bines an unmis­tak­able strong, unique voice and a cap­ti­vat­ing, pow­er­ful piano by Michael Oder­matt. Sask­ia Stäu­ble, known pro­fes­sion­al­ly as Dusty, is a unique Swiss singer, song­writer and com­pos­er even, being the first singer and moti­va­tion­al coach in one to com­bine both art forms to cre­ate a pos­i­tive impact on audi­ences through music. »

— Mon­cef Labi­adh, RTCI Tunis

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