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Tele­Bielingue live at the video shoot «Won­der­land»

19 October 2021

«The Nidau vin­tage bistro and Tim Burton’s world-famous film «Alice in Won­der­land». These were exact­ly the main ingre­di­ents for the new music video from the opera/pop duo Dust of Soul.» Tele­Bielingue was there live with a report …

«In prop­er style, the char­ac­ters look like in the film with the strange char­ac­ters and the rab­bit. Both the film and the music video are about tak­ing mat­ters into your own hands and going your own way. Only one cam­era is used for shoot­ing. The cost of the video is less than 1,000 Swiss Francs because the band does every­thing them­selves as much as pos­si­ble. A big effort, says Sask­ia Stäu­ble, singer from the duo Dust of Soul.

This of course takes months of prepa­ra­tion. Look for a cos­tume, maybe draw it your­self. Then see what you need. How do you do the make up. What do you want to express. And Won­der­land is all about: every­one is real­ly respon­si­ble for their own Won­der­land. So: move for­ward, do not just give up, but real­ly fol­low your dream, your path.

Sask­ia Stäuble

The right optics must not be miss­ing for a won­der­land. Make-up artist Lean­dra Bombel­li made up the dancers, who are all from Biel. This job in the Nidau vin­tage bistro is not an every­day occur­rence for the make-up artist.

If you have to put make-up on five to six peo­ple with­in two and a half hours, that’s a rel­a­tive­ly short peri­od of time. And it is also an elab­o­rate make-up, not just a beau­ty make-up. There is real­ly a lot of make-up, lots of char­ac­ters. That was of course a chal­lenge. Good prepa­ra­tion is essen­tial. But it’s a good experience.

Lean­dra Bombelli

But it is not the first music video for the artist duo. And yet it’s a spe­cial twist. They both start­ed with sim­ple cell phone videos. Now the cam­era­man also needs full com­mit­ment. The Biel-based music duo is not real­ly pur­su­ing one goal with this video «Won­der­land». It’s more about moti­va­tion, says the singer.

It real­ly is the imple­men­ta­tion of this song «Won­der­land». That every­one acti­vates their own «Won­der­land» with­in them­selves. Dust of Soul stands for «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er», that is to acti­vate the pos­i­tive ener­gy of music, to use it for your life. If you have dreams, if you have ideas, if you want a raise: move for­ward, ask, don’t sit at the «Won­der­land» table, oth­er­wise you become a skeleton.

Sask­ia Stäuble

It took a full day to shoot this music video. The fans of Dust of Soul have to wait a lit­tle longer until the release. The release of the music video is planned for New Year’s Day.»

— Doc­u­men­ta­tion by Michel Eggi­mann, Tele­Bielingue, broad­cast INFO, 18 Octo­ber 2021

TV Tele­Bielingue broad­cast INFO: «”Dust of Soul” shot Musikvideo in Nidau» on Tele­Bielingue Offi­cial YouTube Channel

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