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2020 Oman Nation­al Day cel­e­bra­tion with Swiss song of love

23 November 2020

Oman Radio 90.4 FM wel­comes Dust of Soul back to the Sul­tanate of Oman vir­tu­al­ly amongst the 50th Nation­al Day cel­e­bra­tion under the lead­er­ship of His Majesty Sul­tan Haitham Bin Tariq. The cul­tur­al exchanges and the under­stand­ing of dif­fer­ent cul­tures are at heart of the Oman King. And the prepa­ra­tion of the Nation­al Day gave a sense of pride, con­fi­dence, and hope to the cit­i­zens and expats liv­ing in the country.

Oman Radio 90.4 FM inter­views one of the recog­nis­able local band from Switzer­land who has got an incred­i­ble ded­i­ca­tion to the coun­try of Oman through their songs and com­po­si­tions. Some already heard them and watched them on YouTube and of course live in the Sul­tanate: Dust of Soul with Sask­ia Stäu­ble and Michael Oder­matt – singer and pianist. 

They are still in love with Oman which is why they orig­i­nal­ly ini­ti­at­ed “The Col­or of Oman is Love” – a Swiss Love Song for Oman, and the project “Beau­ty Has An Address”. The sec­ond was a col­lab­o­ra­tive idea between the Swiss duo and jour­nal­ists and poets who are expats liv­ing in the Sul­tanate. Both projects are ded­i­cat­ed to Oman. 

Offi­cial Music Video “Beau­ty Has An Address (Dis­cov­er the Beau­ty of Oman Through The Pow­er of Music” on YouTube

Singer Dusty, alias Sask­ia Stäu­ble, claims she is still in love with Oman and that the duo is plan­ning to con­tin­ue with their ini­tia­tive of new projects on the Ara­bi­an penin­su­la. How­ev­er, the sit­u­a­tion around the world is quite chal­leng­ing at the moment. And as an artist it is the more impor­tant to find a way to over­come these chal­lenges. Pianist MiKey, alias Michael Oder­matt, says: “We try to stay cre­ative and con­tin­ue the work on our new album. It is a day by day process to remain focussed and give hope to our fans and peo­ple around.”

The begin­ning of the Dust of Soul sto­ry goes back eight years to a trip in New York where singer Dusty wrote her first song: Home­town. It is a song about the feel­ing of New York, the streets, the art. Back in Switzer­land, Dusty was search­ing for musi­cians. Tired of search­ing, she start­ed work­ing in a bar which let to her to even­tu­al­ly meet­ing with Michael. Michael was ready to try some­thing new and they start­ed work­ing togeth­er. This is how Dust of Soul was formed. 

The Col­or of Oman is Love

How about the song­writ­ing process which is at the core of a musi­cian? In the case of Sask­ia and Michael, some­times the lyrics are here, but not the melody. Or the melody is here, but not the lyrics. But some­times there is noth­ing else but a feel­ing.
Michael refers to the song­writ­ing when the duo first arrived to Oman in 2016. When Sask­ia set her foot onto the land, she clear­ly had the feel­ing of a strong con­nec­tion to the coun­try and the peo­ple. Right after arriv­ing at the hotel, Dusty wrote the song “The Col­or of Oman is Love” with­in 20 min­utes. Until today is has been the fastest ever cre­at­ed song for her. 

Oman Observ­er news­pa­per article

Sask­ia cre­ates with the flow of the uni­verse. The flow of life. For her this is art. Art is the pic­ture of the flow of life. And Saskia’s pic­ture for that is her music. 

Sask­ia Stäuble

Time has passed ever since, but the lega­cy of the song lives on until today. This is a phe­nom­e­non, because before all that Sask­ia and Michael had nev­er heard of Oman. It was a friend from Face­book who intro­duced them to the Sultanate. 

When the song hap­pened to the duo, they man­aged to com­bine the west­ern clas­si­cal and east­ern Ara­bi­an scales for the first time. Not only in Oman, but also in Switzer­land it was very spe­cial for the audi­ence to lis­ten to that com­bi­na­tion which had not hap­pened before in their songs. It is a won­der­ful trans­for­ma­tion of art, feel­ing, Ara­bic tunes, clas­si­cal tunes, all togeth­er in this song. 

Offi­cial music video “The Col­or of Oman is Love – A Swiss Song of Love for Oman”

Now that Oman is cel­e­brat­ing the 50th Nation­al Day anniver­sary, the impact of that song since its orig­i­nal release four years ago is still huge. It became a sym­bol that love is the strongest emo­tion around the world. “We have to stand togeth­er and work togeth­er. Espe­cial­ly nowa­days dur­ing the pan­dem­ic cri­sis. It is the mes­sage to not split the peo­ple, but be friend­ly, be kind. Try to feel some­thing, even if it is that hard with­out nobody around you. Stay in love”, so Saskia.

Inde­pen­dent artists

Oman has a last­ing impres­sion on Dust of Soul. They love the coun­try and are proud on their achieve­ments and friend­ships. It is hard know­ing that there is no way going there and meet­ing with their friends at the moment. 

But aside of being a musi­cian nowa­days there is a lot of work to do: As music is the pro­fes­sion­al life of Sask­ia and Michael, they are main­ly doing con­certs and cre­at­ing new con­cepts for projects such as music video shoots in dif­fer­ent coun­tries. Dust of Soul is actu­al­ly very much known for their own style of shows, as well as their unique way of pro­mot­ing and mar­ket­ing them. Fur­ther­more does their job include the work at the stu­dio while pro­duc­ing and releas­ing sin­gles and albums. But it does not stop there: they are design­ing their entire appear­ance online and on all social media plat­forms. This includes the devel­op­ment and the craft of a graph­ic, print, and web design­er. From the writ­ing of lyrics for a new song to a record­ed, pro­duced, pro­mot­ed, and pub­lished final prod­uct – in the case of a musi­cian: a song, a music video, a poster, a pro­mo­tion con­cept, and a live show concept. 

Nev­er­the­less for Dust of Soul it all comes down to the vision to put out the music they feel with­in them­selves and bring the mes­sage onto all the dif­fer­ent plat­forms and to live events. 

Dust of Soul


What is to expect from Dust of Soul in the future? How about the mes­sage to the peo­ple of Oman on this impor­tant mile­stone which is the 50th Nation­al Day cel­e­bra­tion? Dust of Soul leaves Oman with the mes­sage to hon­our their respect for one anoth­er, their love, and their try­ing for some­thing new. Dust of Soul joined many art events whilst their stay­ing in Oman and they were thrilled to see all the new waht Omani have been cre­at­ing and work­ing on, is it art, sci­ence, food. So they con­tin­ue to encour­age the peo­ple of Oman to keep the pos­i­tiv­i­ty and this strong ener­gy to cre­ate and push things for­ward, even if it looks that dark. It is a strong gift the Omani peo­ple have in their hearts. 

Dust of Soul is plan­ning to trav­el to Oman soon for more con­certs and shows. For 2021 and 2022, Oman is on Dust of Soul’s tour plan­nings. They con­tin­ue to share all their work and cre­ations on their strongest of social media plat­forms which is Face­book. But also are they keep­ing up their com­mu­ni­ty and fol­low­ers on Insta­gram, Twit­ter, YouTube, Spo­ti­fy, Tik­Tok, and Snapchat.

Just today, Dust of Soul has been accept­ed as an Offi­cial Artist which is a mile­stone achieve­ment for the inde­pen­dent artists. Nowa­days, as an inde­pen­dent artist, you have to do more than 20 jobs at once. And all of them are impor­tant to keep the work great. 

The key for the Sul­tanate of Oman and the cel­e­bra­tion for the 50th Nation­al Day is mov­ing towards with mod­erni­sa­tion His Majesty is encour­ag­ing. Each and every­one of us to realise the pow­er of love and the peace that turns the world around. The thought of good­ness will bring human future to brightness. 

Dust of Soul will always believe that beau­ty and har­mo­ny will achieve by con­nect­ing all human­i­ty and work­ing togeth­er for the bet­ter­ment and suc­cess of the whole nation, the Sul­tanate of Oman. 

Oman Radio 90.4 FM

The radio show “Inside Oman”

Lis­ten to the radio inter­view stream of the show “Inside Oman” with Dust of Soul.

Oman Radio 90.4 FM Inter­view “Inside Oman”

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