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World Dinner Concert Schwyzerhof Bar

Sold out «World Din­ner Con­cert Expe­ri­ence» in Switzerland

6 March 2023

One-of-a-kind high-class culi­nary and music in the exclu­sive set­ting of the “World Din­ner Con­cert” pre­sent­ed by Schwyz­er­hof Bar in Küss­nacht am Rigi, Switzerland.

The «World Din­ner Con­cert» with Dust of Soul is a unique and immer­sive expe­ri­ence that com­bines music, sto­ry­telling, and culi­nary delights. It takes you on a jour­ney of cul­tur­al explo­ration, as Dust of Soul bring togeth­er var­i­ous musi­cal gen­res and influ­ences from around the world. Their cap­ti­vat­ing, intu­tive per­for­mances, accom­pa­nied by deli­cious cui­sine, cre­ate a har­mo­nious and unfor­get­table evening of expe­ri­ence. It is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to indulge in both the audi­to­ry and gus­ta­to­ry sens­es, leav­ing you with a sense of con­nec­tion and enrichment.

Offi­cial Poster

«Every course matched the before-going musi­cal per­for­mance in both its sto­ry-telling and style. Dust of Soul offered the audi­ence a deep dive into the sto­ry behind their music.»

— Schwyz­er­hof Bar

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