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Starbucks Unplugged Session Part One

«Unplugged» Con­certs at Star­bucks Stores

27 December 2022

With the new album «Won­der­land» and their great­est hits, «Dust of Soul» is back in Lucerne, Switzer­land, where it all began ten years ago. The music duo will cel­e­brate their tenth anniver­sary with «Unplugged» con­certs on Decem­ber 22nd and 23rd, 2022 at Star­bucks next to the Lucerne train station.

Singer Dusty and pianist MiKey have been Dust of Soul for ten years. They have been tour­ing inter­na­tion­al­ly for ten years and have ini­ti­at­ed numer­ous music projects in Europe, in Tunisia, on the Ara­bi­an Penin­su­la – the Sul­tanate of Oman, and in Mum­bai. Whether on the «MTV India Unplugged» stage with Bol­ly­wood super­star Ayush­mann Khur­rana, at the con­cert for the King of Oman at the City Amphithe­ater in Mus­cat, or at the music video shoot «Vic­to­ry» in the slums of Mum­bai with the «Dhar­avi Dream Project Mum­bai» as part of Uni­ver­sal Music India’s ini­tia­tive – their vision for the future is «sus­tain­able music».

«Their vision for the future is «sus­tain­able music»

— Luzern­er Rundschau

Pos­i­tive Music Power

«Dust of Soul» per­form with a mod­ern style of music and their own “orig­i­nal songs” that spread a pos­i­tive mood. They call their style «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er». The pow­er­ful voice and the touch­ing piano remind the lis­ten­er of the long­ing of their own dreams and the romance of every­day life.

Intu­itive Music

The spe­cial­ty of “Dust of Soul” is to intu­itive­ly com­pose new songs live on stage. They offer this expe­ri­ence at their con­certs and as 1:1 ses­sions as so-called “Intu­itive Music Read­ing”. Learn more about it here.

Spe­cial Thanks…

… to piano part­ner Rain­er Zulauf from A-Zulauf Musikin­stru­mente GmbH / Tastenträ with a huge show­room in Buchs near Aarau –

… and to our partners:

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