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48th Oman Nation­al Day Amphithe­atre Show in Muscat

22 November 2018

2018’s 48th Oman Nation­al Day is final­ly going to be the time when the two artists Singer Dusty and Pianist MiKey from the Swiss musi­cians duo Dust of Soul cel­e­brate their «Swiss Love Song for Oman» on stage. The two Swiss per­form «The Col­or of Oman is Love» togeth­er with the inter­na­tion­al­ly known Omani Band «Lujinia» on the biggest stage of Oman at the City Amphithe­atre Qurum in Muscat.

His­to­ry is being writ­ten when two Swiss artists go on stage for the first time on an Oman Nation­al Day per­form­ing a com­po­si­tion they devote to the Sul­tanate. In Europe it is often spo­ken of Oman as the Switzer­land in the Mid­dle East. Indeed there are many sim­i­lar­i­ties of the two coun­tries of peace. The musi­cians duo’s song «The Col­or of Oman is Love» tells about Oman, its beau­ty, his­to­ry, and mys­ter­ies. Although the tal­ent­ed Singer Dusty only writ­ten the lyrics of the song with­in 20 min­utes on her first evening in Mus­cat just a few hours after she land­ed. And she did not even see the land. The song tells the sto­ry from her heart.

Poster Dust of Soul Oman Amphitheatre Show with Lujinia Omani Band
Poster Dust of Soul Oman Amphithe­atre Show with Lujinia Omani Band

The duo came back to Oman sev­er­al times after their first jour­ney in Feb­ru­ary 2016. Music projects with Omani chil­dren – so called «Kids Musi­cal Days», a cul­tur­al-fusion event with Omani mul­ti­lin­gual poet Lub­na Al-Balushi, the open­ing per­for­mance for the MTV India Ayush­mann Khur­rana show at the City Amphithe­atre Qurum in Octo­ber 2017, or their lat­est Swiss-Indi­an project that they got inspired for by the high­ly cre­ative Indi­an com­mu­ni­ty liv­ing in Oman.

The duo always dreamt of giv­ing their Love Song for Oman in a very spe­cial way to the peo­ple of Oman. Oman’s 48th Nation­al Day Fes­ti­val at City Amphithe­atre Qurum is just per­fect. And the per­for­mance with «Lujinia Omani Band» is just what the artists wished for. Dust of Soul and Lujinia Omani Band got for acquaint­ed through Insta­gram while see­ing posts from each oth­er. Then they got in touch and on 23rd Novem­ber they are per­form­ing their Song «The Col­or of Oman is Love» mixed with West­ern, Ara­bic, and Fla­men­co styles. Lujinia Omani Band is famous for their Fla­men­co style mixed with Balushi, a native lan­guage and cul­ture among many Omanis.

Swiss and Omani fusion musical debut
Swiss and Omani artists debut in fusion of Swiss Love Song for Oman “The Col­or of Oman is Love”

On Wednes­day, 21st Novem­ber the two bands got inter­viewed by Lak­sh­mi Kothaneth in «The O Show» from the Oman news­pa­per «Oman Observ­er». The show wraps up the sto­ry of the Omani band and intro­duces the Swiss artists per­form­ing with them in a 20-minute documentary.

The Swiss Love Song for Oman with Dust of Soul in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Lujinia Omani Band debuted on Fri­day, 23 Novem­ber 2018. The ener­gy was very high and the sta­di­um loved the fusion of Swiss and Omani cul­tures and music styles com­ing togeth­er. Dust of Soul pro­duced a con­cert film of the Open­ing Per­for­mance of the 48th Oman Nation­al Day Con­cert Show Fes­ti­val of the Kuwaiti «Mia­mi Band».

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