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CD Release at Château Gütsch

13 October 2015

Dust of Soul cel­e­brate the release of their new CD «Believe» glam­orous and classy at the fairy­tale caste Château Gütsch in Lucerne (Switzer­land) with more than 130 guests. Even Tunisia was there live

Dust of Soul invit­ed to the white fairy­tale cas­tle Château Gütsch in Lucerne for their offi­cial world­wide release of the new CD «Believe» and the pre­miere of their new music video on the big screen. More than 130 excit­ed guests found their way to the won­der­ful announced con­cert by the Swiss Duo: «Konz­ert mit CD & Video Pre­miere» (from Ger­man: «Con­cert mit CD & Video Pre­miere»). They were warm-heart­ed­ly wel­comed by Singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble, known as Dusty, and Michael Oder­matt, known as MiKey them­selves.
The won­der­ful dec­o­rat­ed unique cas­tle restau­rant with high ceil­ings and the open gallery up the stairs were full of ener­gy and excite­ment, when Dusty & MiKey entered under roar­ing applause and the opened the con­cert with a free inter­pret­ed song com­po­si­tion. The con­cert was won­der­ful­ly con­duct­ed with the song themes that char­ac­terise the Swiss Duo like friend­ship, courage, and the belief in one­self, until the offi­cial world­wide CD release and the pre­miere of the music video on the big screen were announced.
A video call to the Cel­list Mohamed Amine Ben Smi­da to Tunis guid­ed the hap­pen­ing back to the Tunisia sto­ry and the orig­i­na­tion of the project: The CD and DVD were entire­ly pro­duced in Tunisia. The record­ings were held in the antic Saint-Louis cathe­dral ‘Acrop­oli­um de Carthage’ and the video clips were filmed in the romain Carthage and the pic­turesque artis­tic vil­lage Sidi Bou Said. The sym­phon­ic Cel­list from Tunisia was intro­duced for the first time pub­licly to the audi­ence that trav­eled from all over Switzer­land and Ger­many to Lucerne.

«The answers in your heart you will find when you believe in you»

— Lyrics Song «Believe»

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