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Switzerland’s great­est mar­ket­ing fair «Suisse Emex 2015»

27 August 2015

Dust of Soul per­formed at the 2015 edi­tion of the mar­ket­ing fair Suis­see Emex

Zurich Hallenstadion/Messe: The great­est mar­ket­ing fair of Switzer­land with over 150,000 vis­i­tors this year was a huge suc­cess for the Swiss Duo Dust of Soul. With their “Art” they caught excite­ment, emo­tions and inspi­ra­tion of the vis­i­tors as well as the exhibitors.It was the first time at all a real acoustic Grand Piano was played at the Suisse Emex. Togeth­er with the diver­si­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty of what was offered the music con­tributed to a won­der­ful symphony.

Offi­cial Poster

«Everyone’s own unique art speaks to all peo­ple and inspires»

— Dust of Soul

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