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Moti­va­tion­al con­cert at sym­po­sium in Zurich

7 November 2014

Dust of Soul was guest­ing at the True Impact Sym­po­sium ‘Going New Ways’ (from Ger­man: “Neue Wege Gehen”) in Wal­lisellen Zurich on the week­end of the 18th and 19th Octo­ber 2014 with speak­ers such as Soc­cer Coach Hanspeter Latour and Speak­er & Teacher Veit Lindau.

Sat­ur­day morn­ing, 9 AM, Dust of Soul with singer Dusty and pianist MiKey open the sym­po­sium with their moti­va­tion­al song «Dream­ing» to a huge audi­ence of about 150 peo­ple. ‘Going new ways’ is the sub­ject of the event hap­pened in Zurich. Next to the speaker’s pre­sen­ta­tions an expo­si­tion was pre­sent­ed.
True Impact with its founder and CEO Stéphanie Hun­zik­er cel­e­brat­ed pre­miere with a huge event that attract­ed peo­ple from all Ger­man speak­ing coun­tries: Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzer­land. The unique­ness True Impact offered was a heart­felt event and inter­ac­tion as well as the pos­si­bil­i­ty to inter­fere with all speak­ers at the net­work­ing aperitif.

With a spe­cial con­cert and per­for­mances through­out the week­end, Dust of Soul gave a won­der­ful har­mo­ny to the ambience.

«Going the own way is a new way, and a unique way for every­one. By going this indi­vid­ual way we inspire others.»

— Dust of Soul
«Impres­sio­nen True Impact Sym­po­sium “Neue Wege gehen” 2014» Impres­sions on True Impact Offi­cial YouTube Channel

Star­gast war Hanspeter Latour, Train­er und Fuss­ball­ex­perte beim SRF Schweiz­er Radio und Fernsehen.


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