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Copyright © 2012-2025 Dust of Soul. All Rights Reserved.

“Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er” by Dust of Soul at Venice Art Crawl 2024

“Positive Music Power” is not just about the music itself, it is also about the effect it has on audiences. Dust of Soul believe in the transformative power of music and its ability to heal, inspire and bring people together with the intention to support and uplift...

A chan­neled soul song

In their 11-year professional career as performers, Dust of Soul journeyed around the world (Europe, North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, India, USA) to share their original music in numerous shows and medias and - as their specialty - create music intuitively in the...

Music and Wellness

Life responds with magic as we are opening up to it. Insights come up. A new perspective lets us see things differently. It “can” happen by surprise and unexpected. And it takes no effort at all. We just need to relax, breathe and see. Let us dive into a wellness...

“Music Soul­ing Expe­ri­ence” Sum­mer Series: A music-enliven­ing expe­ri­ence to find inner strength

On August 20th, 2023, the kickoff of the "Music Souling Experience" summer series will take place with the "Believe" event at the Lucerne yoga studio FLOW "Body Mind & Soul". Dust of Soul have developed «Music Souling» to help people to believe in themselves and...

Music video in Cin­e­ma with Live Per­for­mance in the Cin­e­ma Hall

On the occasion of the award of their new music video «Lost» with "Best Originality" at the Music Video Awards in Los Angeles, the cinema Stattkino in Lucerne showed three music videos by the music duo «Dust of Soul» on the cinema screen. Dust of Soul are back in...

Sold out «World Din­ner Con­cert Expe­ri­ence» in Switzerland

One-of-a-kind high-class culinary and music in the exclusive setting of the "World Dinner Concert" presented by Schwyzerhof Bar in Küssnacht am Rigi, Switzerland. The «World Dinner Concert» with Dust of Soul is a unique and immersive experience that combines music,...

«Unplugged» Con­certs at Star­bucks Stores

With the new album «Wonderland» and their greatest hits, «Dust of Soul» is back in Lucerne, Switzerland, where it all began ten years ago. The music duo will celebrate their tenth anniversary with «Unplugged» concerts on December 22nd and 23rd, 2022 at Starbucks next...

«Stand­ing ova­tion» at BACK TO THE FUTURE spec­ta­cle at SCALA

The big anniver­sary show “BACK TO THE FUTURE” – 10 years of “Dust of Soul” took place on Octo­ber 2nd, 2022 in the SCALA Zofin­gen in front of sold-out rows.

«Won­der­land on Ice» Show on sus­tain­able ice field at DISPO Nidau

Dust of Soul developed and designed a «Wonderland Show» this year with all new songs. These songs are part of the same-named album «Wonderland». The popularity of the show made Dust of Soul adapt it to the ice. On 11th December Dust of Soul inaugurated the ice field...

Con­cert Show «Won­der­land»

The Bieler Tagblatt writes: «More than an album release: The duo Dust of Soul with Saskia Stäuble and Michael Odermatt invites you to a fairytale afternoon». Nobody manages to describe the presentation of Dust of Soul’s “Wonderland” as aptly as journalist Tobias...


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