Lifestyle hubs instead of temples of consumption: the shopping centers are in the midst of a transformation that is also a time of reconsideration and (re-) vitalization. «Dust of Soul» also take an active part in this change. They call their concerts «Positive Music Power»: «Whoever goes to our concerts should feel better afterwards», as quoted the daily newspaper «Bieler Tagblatt» on 1 September 2021, the Dust of Soul Singer Saskia Stäuble.

Digitization is currently the most important trend – in all industries, be it shopping or music. But the need for an experience remains outside. Both industries live from the moment one to one in a unique atmosphere. This is not possible digitally.
A sales talent cannot be replaced by an online shop, however well programmed. So virtually performing musicians on the computer screen can never touch their audience like they do live.
However, what is known as «convenience through technology» is becoming important. In retail this means, for example, online payment or inspiration in social media in advance – in the music world, the listening experience of songs experienced live over and over again on Spotify or Apple Music.
The question therefore arises: Who are the new stars in the industry? Whoever uses his capacities most efficiently presents himself most attractively. A very important point in the retail and music business, because it’s always about people.
Music of positive power
Music as we know it only becomes music when several tones are lined up, stacked on top of each other, alternating dynamically and harmoniously in rhythmic patterns. Breaks are essential. All of these formulas and patterns give expression to the whole construct. A «message» that resonates with the audience. This sonorous and powerful creation then triggers emotions in the listener. Only then does music become music. Then what emerges is what the live musician lives for: the musical experience.
Dust of Soul intend to create a positive effect on their listeners with their music.
“Anyone who visits our concerts should feel better afterwards”
Dust of Soul Singer Saskia Stäuble, Bieler Tagblatt, 1 September 2021
For this, deeply meaningful topics that have an expressive message are important. The Dust of Soul singer Saskia Stäuble writes her songs from everyday life. She takes up topics that everyone can understand. Musically, too, the songs should be catchy and engaging – the simpler the better. Because music is for everyone. It is what connects us all. Very straightforward and natural.
Change of scene. It’s the same in retail: the products should delight, inspire and appeal. It’s about the people. The creators, initiators, inventors, producers who realize an idea and want to touch their customers with it. Want to improve or enrich their lives.
It’s true: today’s modern times enable exchange on constantly new, constantly developing platforms. A more diverse and creative marketing is now possible, which at the same time opens up new dimensions – especially geographically.
Talented salespeople are more required here, as are musicians. Creativity and innovation are the key points. This transformation has been going on for a long time. And the potential is far from exhausted.
Everything merges and is networked. It has to be thought through. This is a real challenge, but one that brings us a lot further.
Humanity First
Dust of Soul are actively participating in this change. Her music can now be heard on all common music streaming platforms and her music videos can be played anywhere. Her offer also goes far beyond “concert bookings”: important life experiences are based on her specially initiated art projects in Tunisia, Oman and India. Real stories, such as the appearance on the birthday of the Sultan of Oman or the film shoot in the slums of India, find their place in a motivational speech. Then Dust of Soul reinforce their performance with musical interludes, because their songs go hand in hand with their statements. They also offer mental music training. «Bring the music by your side and feel the power – a workout for everyone.» And the possibility of a tailor-made song: “Your very own song (Your Energy, Your Song), composed live by Dust of Soul during the performance – private for you or at your event”. Because Dust of Soul not only inspire with songwriting in the traditional sense. They create at least one song in each of their concerts live on stage – without rehearsing or discussing beforehand.
All original Dust of Soul songs with a lot of power, engaging pop influences, light ballads, energetic rhythms and heart-touching charm
Real stories, like the appearance on the birthday of the Sultan of Oman, or the music video filming in the slums of India
Your very own song, composed live by Dust of Soul during the performance – privately for you or at your event
New unique music experience: Music turns into colors – Find new insights for yourself
Bring the music by your side and feel the power – a mental training for everyone
All of this is based on the Dust of Soul campaign “Humanity First”. This resulted in an association with which Dust of Soul initiate and implement art projects and events worldwide.
And it is precisely this origin of humanity that must not be lost. Not even in the retail business. The stages belong to the people. Therefore it is important to define new solution concepts based on the principle of humanity.
This is how new dreams, new trends, and also «megatrends» arise.