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Con­cert Show «Won­der­land»

9 September 2021

The Biel­er Tag­blatt writes: «More than an album release: The duo Dust of Soul with Sask­ia Stäu­ble and Michael Oder­matt invites you to a fairy­tale afternoon».

Nobody man­ages to describe the pre­sen­ta­tion of Dust of Soul’s “Won­der­land” as apt­ly as jour­nal­ist Tobias Gar­den from the news­pa­per Biel­er Tag­blatt: «A woman, heav­i­ly made up, with a bright red wig. A man with hair combed straight back, a neat­ly trimmed beard and a glit­tery shirt. In the back­ground: snow? Driz­zle? Fire­works? Next: Cheeky girls, made up like a har­le­quin; a magi­cian with a big hat and flow­ing hair, a lady, it must be a queen; and final­ly, lying down, a, well, that’s prob­a­bly a cat per­son. Final­ly, in the back­ground, it can­not be oth­er­wise, a mag­ic cas­tle awaits. No, it’s the Von Rütte-Gut in Sutz, the char­ac­ters described cavort on a fly­er, and if you ask Sask­ia Stäu­ble, the ini­tia­tor of this whole bunch of things, what this is sup­posed to be, she first sim­ply says: «An album release.» It is of course not that sim­ple, the large «Won­der­land» let­ter­ing indi­cates it. That is the name of the event on Sun­day, 5 Sep­tem­ber 2021, but that is also the name of the new album by Dust of Soul, the music project that Sask­ia Stäu­ble, alias singer Dusty, is fol­low­ing with pianist Michael Oder­matt alias Mikey. And the duo’s inspi­ra­tion is also clear: the vis­i­tors can expect a mix­ture of Disney’s «Alice in Won­der­land», Tim Bur­ton in a friend­ly man­ner («Chil­dren don’t have to be afraid», says Stäu­ble) and a con­cert with music whose style is «Opera / Pop» as Stäu­ble describes. A rather opu­lent affair.»

Read the arti­cle from the Biel­er Tag­blatt here online.

Mod­ern «Won­der­land» production

Dust of Soul start a new era with «Won­der­land». Their music is more grown up. «It’s the pos­i­tive pow­er of music», singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble is quot­ed by news­pa­per Biel­er Tag­blatt. «The audi­ence is in a won­der­land for a few hours». And every­one should take strength from it.

«Any­one who vis­its our con­certs should feel bet­ter after­wards»

Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Singer «Dust of Soul», 01.09.2021 Biel­er Tagblatt

That is what dri­ves Dust of Soul: «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er». It is the mod­ern stag­ing of «Won­der­land» in the 21st cen­tu­ry. «The «Won­der­land» theme suits all of us. Our hid­den dreams and wish­es are at home in Won­der­land. Our lim­it­less imag­i­na­tion», say Dust of Soul. «The rab­bits help us to find our way when we get lost. We are nev­er real­ly «lost». And as is known from the fairy tale «Alice in Won­der­land»: «Some­times you have to lose your­self to find your­self». The rab­bits show us the way and remind us to keep going, no mat­ter how lost you seem.»

On our way we meet the Cheshire Cat – or we deal with our spir­i­tu­al­i­ty. The Cheshire Cat appears again and again, speaks in rid­dles, chal­lenges us, asks us about the mean­ing of life:

Dust of Soul wrote a song about it: «Hero» – for many vis­i­tors and also Dust of Soul the high­light of the show. The search for your own hero. In Dust of Soul’s «Won­der­land» adven­ture, hat mak­ers and queens can of course also be found. The for­mer stands for the mag­ic in every­day life. We shouldn’t lose our imag­i­na­tion and zest for life, we should approach our life in a play­ful way. What about the queen? To be queen or king of your own «king­dom». To take per­son­al respon­si­bil­i­ty and to decide for your­self. To hear your­self too. To stand by your­self and cel­e­brate your own uniqueness.

The «Crazy» side of the personality

Dust of Soul, «Won­der­land Show», 05.09.2021

Dust of Soul live out the «crazy» side of their per­son­al­i­ty on stage.

«Do your own thing»

«Do your own thing, go your own way, find your own style.» Anoth­er quote from the news­pa­per Biel­er Tag­blatt. With «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» and «Won­der­land», Dust of Soul show that there is a way and work day after day to get clos­er to their goal. To be grate­ful for what you have achieved so far, but not sat­is­fied and stop now. For it is more pos­si­ble than we can believe. We just have to do it.

The sto­ry of «Won­der­land» has only just begun: You can look for­ward to the video pro­duc­tion «Won­der­land». More infor­ma­tion will follow.

Spe­cial Thanks…

… to the «Won­der­land» cast: ini­tia­tors Dust of Soul with singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble (DUSTY) and pianist Michael Oder­matt (MIKEY), Queen Orchidea Lüthi, Mad Hat­ter Ger­va­sio Wim­per, Won­der­land rab­bit Céline Zah­nd, Patrizia Favrod and Lau­ra Remu­nd, and Cheshire Cat Philippe Giauque

… to spe­cial guest Mar­cel Wag­n­er, known as «Mas­ter Cof­fee», who only paints unique works of art with coffee.

… to the team with San­dra Eich­mann, Bet­ti­na Hüss­er, Sem­ra Koca, Car­la Dal­la Bona and Alexan­dra Chris­ten for their tire­less efforts in prepa­ra­tion, on the day of the event and post-pro­cess­ing. Lean­dra Bombel­li for her make-up arts. Jes­si Brus­tolin for the sound and stage design tech­nol­o­gy, Mar­ius Tausch and Dominic Wälti for the pho­tog­ra­phy and video event documentation. 

… to piano part­ner Rain­er Zulauf from A-Zulauf Musikin­stru­menten GmbH / Tastenträ with a huge show­room in Buchs b. Aarau –

… to our Part­ners & Sponsors:

… to the contributors:

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