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«In Colors» Release Concert Theater Pavillon Lucerne

Dust of Soul In Col­ors Album Release Show

24 March 2019

On March 24, 2019, Dust of Soul unveil­ing their long-await­ed debut album «Dust of Soul in Col­ors» in a show with Indi­an dancers, Rap­per, Latin-Star, Bal­let & Break­dance at the The­ater Pavil­lon Lucerne.

Dust of Soul shows up in 2019 in all col­ors. Fit­ting­ly their new album they name “Dust of Soul In Col­ors”. After 110 suc­cess­ful live con­certs around the world, the ‘Opera Pop’ duo dares to mix a vari­ety of styles. Dust of Soul is known for the mul­ti-faceted, strong voice of Swiss Singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble, known as ‘Dusty’, and the touch­ing and thrilling piano-play­ing of Swiss Pianist Michael Oder­matt, known as ‘MiKey’. The past six years they toured in the Unit­ed States, in France, Italy, Ger­many, Tunisia, Turkey, Oman and Switzer­land. The musi­cians bring a lot of expe­ri­ence and inspi­ra­tion into the new songs. One can feel exot­ic influ­ences – Indi­an instru­ments like the sitar, djem­be, and tabla. 

The jour­ney to the album release show

Their open­ing act appear­ance in Octo­ber 2017 on the MTV India Ayush­mann Khur­rana show at City Amphithe­ater Qurum in Mus­cat and the coop­er­a­tion with Indi­an musi­cians in Oman is the rea­son for that. Fur­ther speak the Latin Amer­i­can rhythms in the fea­tur­ing with Rodry-Go of Span­ish flair that the duo loves. Oth­er songs are based on pow­er­ful and moti­vat­ing beats. Those come from their cre­ative work and many per­for­mances. So the fea­tur­ing with rap­per Yaw Boso was a homage to those times. A blues and a bal­lad take the lis­ten­er to the depths behind the facades. And their hit song in Tunisia “Believe” clos­es the cir­cle with a touch of film music resem­bling to that one from the Walt Dis­ney musi­cal “Lion King”.

Offi­cial Poster

Artists from around the world

The show at the The­ater Pavil­lon Lucerne had to express all of that, accord­ing to Dust of Soul’s claim. Hence there were nine Indi­an dancers from Oman in Switzer­land: Only for the show 7 chil­dren and 1 adult dancers and dance chore­o­g­ra­ph­er Dhan­lax­mi Wil­son Das from the “ADG Angels Dance Group” took on the almost 7000 kilo­me­tre-jour­ney from Mus­cat to Lucerne exclu­sive­ly to dance at the Dust of Soul show. The Indi­an dance group opened the show and  and deliv­ered bril­liant per­for­mances at three new songs of the Swiss duo. 

For the Indi­an-Swiss title song “Flow”, Swiss clas­si­cal bal­let dancer Alexan­dra Hun­zik­er and Swiss break­dance dancer Marc ‘Addict­ed’ Spring joined the dance group. The Latin num­ber “Unstop­pable” with Columbian Super­star Rodry-Go was the finale, to which all musi­cians and dancers gath­ered on stage to cel­e­brate their “unstop­pable future” and the pow­er of music, dance, and arts.

Album Release Show in Switzerland

The album was offi­cial­ly unveiled dur­ing the show and was there­after avail­able for pur­chase. It is now avail­able to be ordered in the Dust of Soul Online Shop. Dust of Soul dis­trib­utes the new album “In Col­ors” dig­i­tal­ly in all major music stores. It is avail­able on iTunes, Spo­ti­fy, Google Play, Ama­zon, iGroove, Deez­er, Apple Music, Tidal, Nap­ster, and YouTube Music, among oth­ers. You can pre­view, buy, and stream the album start­ing from today.

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