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First Swiss on Nation­al TV Oman TV about «Col­or of Oman» and «Human­i­ty First»

9 October 2017

Dust of Soul singer Dusty is the first Swiss woman to speak on the Ara­bic morn­ing show «Qah­wat Alsabah» and on nation­al tele­vi­sion Oman TV in gen­er­al about the Switzer­land-Oman project «The Col­or of Oman is Love» and the «Human­i­ty First» campaign.

Oman TV Mor­gen­show «Qah­wat Alsabah» in Oman

The two Swiss musi­cians of the duo Dust of Soul are tak­ing Oman by storm. Since 2016, they have been ini­ti­at­ing projects in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Omani artists and musi­cians. Their lat­est project is the cul­tur­al evening «Human­i­ty First—Music & Poet­ry» and will take place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Muskat togeth­er with the Omani poet Lub­na Al-Balushi. For this occa­sion, Dust of Soul singer «Dusty» was invit­ed on Oman Nation­al TV. In the morn­ing show «Qhawat Alsabah» she pre­sent­ed the song «The Col­or of Oman is Love» ded­i­cat­ed to Oman by Dust of Soul and this new project and its back­ground. Lub­na Al-Balushi was invit­ed as a guest and trans­la­tor. Because the show is broad­cast entire­ly in Arabic. 

Watch a record­ing of the TV show here:

Oman TV Mor­gen­show «Qah­wat Alsabah» in Oman

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