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Dust of Soul in Hall of Fame in Italy

Eter­nalised in Ital­ian Hall of Fame

5 September 2014

Dust of Soul has been eter­nalised in the Hall of Fame at the Ital­ian Haute Cou­ture Design­er Cle­ofe Finati by Archetipo

The Haute Cou­ture Design­er Cle­ofe Finati by Arche­tipo made it offi­cial yes­ter­day evening in Milan: Dust of Soul is eter­nal­ized in the ‘Hall of Fame’ at Arche­tipo in Milan, Italy. Togeth­er with oth­er inter­na­tion­al celebri­ties such as F1 pilot Ralf Schuh­mach­er, croon­er Jür­gen Drews, duo Igudes­man & Joo, the Swiss Duo Dust of Soul will from now on be hon­ored on this glo­ri­ous Hall of Fame.

«Dust of Soul and Arche­tipo have indeed a lot in com­mon: Their val­ues for true authen­tic­i­ty and orig­i­nal­i­ty come from their pas­sion and inti­ma­cy to pro­vide a unique expe­ri­ence the cus­tomers are proud of for years»

— Dust of Soul
Cleofe Finati Hall of Fame
Arche­tipo Group Hall of Fame

The label Cle­ofe Finati by Arche­tipo is known for its authen­tic val­ues and high­est stan­dard of pro­fes­sion­al­ism. Pro­duc­ing 100% of its col­lec­tion in Italy by hand, the haute cou­ture design­er sets the high­est lev­el in the fash­ion industry.

Since Feb­ru­ary 2014, the Arche­tipo Group in Milan is sup­port­ing Dust of Soul with the mag­i­cal Arche­tipo look by Cle­ofe Finati pianist MiKey is dressed with in his concerts.

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