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«Lost» select­ed “Best Orig­i­nal­i­ty” at «Music Video Awards» Los Angeles

25 February 2023

High­ly suc­cess­ful music video release «Lost» has been select­ed “Best Orig­i­nal­i­ty” at «Music Video Awards» in Los Ange­les. The music has been mas­tered by mas­ter­ing engi­neer of award-win­ning No. 1 albums includ­ing Ed Sheer­an at Abbey Road Stu­dios in London. 

Dust of Soul’s lat­est music video release, «Lost», is one of the selec­tions in this season’s Music Video Awards pro­gram of in Los Ange­les! «Lost» is the lat­est music video released by Dust of Soul. With 150,000 streams on major music and video plat­forms such as Apple Music, Spo­ti­fy, YouTube, and Face­book it is one of the most suc­cess­ful Dust of Soul release.

Select­ed “Best Orig­i­nal­i­ty” at «Music Video Awards» Los Angeles 
Select­ed “Best Orig­i­nal­i­ty” at «Music Video Awards» Los Angeles 

«We had many incred­i­ble entries this sea­son, so know that your work went above and beyond in a very com­pet­i­tive judg­ing process»

— Com­pe­ti­tion Coor­di­na­tor at «Music Video Awards» Los Angeles

Music Video Awards

Visu­al­iz­ing music is an art. No mat­ter if it’s exper­i­men­tal, per­for­ma­tive, direct, graph­ic, sil­ly, or fun, it is an incred­i­ble feel­ing to see video that encap­su­lates the feel­ing of a track. So many of the best visu­al artists hone their skills in this genre. Spike Jonze, David Finch­er, Gore Verbin­s­ki, and many oth­er amaz­ing direc­tors even got their start in music videos. We want to find the next great auteur, the next great musi­cian, and the next great music video.

«Visu­al­iz­ing music is an art»

— «Music Video Awards» Los Angeles
Music Video «Lost» – Offi­cial Dust of Soul YouTube Channel

Spe­cial Thanks…

… to piano part­ner Rain­er Zulauf from A-Zulauf Musikin­stru­mente GmbH / Tastenträ with a huge show­room in Buchs near Aarau –

… to the dance crew «Radioac­tive Dance­crew» for adding astound­ing dance per­for­mances and act­ing to the pro­duc­tion –

… and to our partners:

… and to the incred­i­ble team at Dust of Soul with­out whom this achieve­ment would not have been possible.

We thank the Can­ton of Solothurn for using the old sewage treat­ment plant in Luter­bach as the film­ing site for that music video.

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