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Dust of Soul with fan­cy fash­ion to style their music

1 February 2017

Dust of Soul begins the new year 2017 with a grand new years con­cert in the renom­i­nat­ed fairy­tale Cas­tle Château Gütsch in Lucerne and presents their new appear­ance: dressed by haute cou­ture design­er Cle­ofe Finati sym­bol­is­es pianist MiKey the pea­cock, while singer Dusty appears roy­al, yes almost mys­ti­cal­ly – fan­cy fash­ion to style their music

The renowned fairy­tale cas­tle Château Gütsch in Lucerne sur­round­ed a unique scenery of win­ter won­der­land on the Sun­day of the New Year’s con­cert of Dust of Soul. The Swiss music duo opened the new year with a fes­ti­val of music for the third year in a row and pre­sent­ed its new per­for­mance as they had done in the pre­vi­ous year already. Pianist MiKey sur­prised with anoth­er exquis­ite mas­ter­piece of the 2017 col­lec­tion “Oneiros” by the haute cou­ture design­er Cle­ofe Finati (Web­site | Face­book). Since Feb­ru­ary 2014, Pianist MiKey has been the ambas­sador of the Ital­ian fash­ion house Arche­tipo, which offers an extra class for grooms in the wed­ding fash­ion. Cle­ofe Finati remains young, fresh and inno­v­a­tive, faith­ful to his own style and yet with the deci­sive degree of crazi­ness. In the end, the pas­sion with which the design­er delights and enchants the finest detail is convincing.

Win­ter wonderland

It is pre­cise­ly these val­ues ​​that the Swiss music duo Dust of Soul con­tributes to 2017. New com­po­si­tions, new amaz­ing pro­duc­tions. As always with their tal­ent to cre­ate music in the moment “live” on stage. This cre­ates an unprece­dent­ed prox­im­i­ty between artists and the audi­ence with a banned atmos­phere. And you could feel it at the first song already. In the hon­or of the win­ter won­der­land, Dust of Soul pre­sent­ed their new song “Friend­ship”, which pre­miered last Decem­ber at the con­cert on the ice field in Zurich – “Dust of Soul on Ice”.
Then the duo made the leap from the ice into the desert and melt­ed with “The Col­or of Oman is Love”, the Swiss song of love for Oman, the hearts of the numer­ous lis­ten­ers. This mys­tique mixed with the roy­al ele­gance is also very evi­dent in the new dress of the singer Dusty. Whether Greek, Roman or ori­en­tal, Dust of Soul proves once again the courage and con­vic­tion “to go where oth­ers pinch,” as jour­nal­ist Simone Knit­tel for­mu­lat­ed aptly

Dust of Soul begins the new year 2017 with a grand new years con­cert in the renom­i­nat­ed fairy­tale cas­tle Château Gütsch in Lucerne and presents their new appear­ance: dressed by haute cou­ture design­er Cle­ofe Finati sym­bol­izes pianist MiKey the pea­cock, while singer Dusty appears roy­al, yes almost mystically.

Dust of Soul

Sup­port­ed by their team and the pho­tog­ra­ph­er Lukas Schnell­mann from Von­matt Event, Dust of Soul suc­ceed­ed in inspir­ing their audi­ence with a “musi­cal show between clas­si­cism and rebel­lion”. A big thanks goes to the friend­ly team of Direc­tor Tim Moitzi of the Château Gütsch Lucerne. 

The pea­cock is the ani­mal of charis­ma, beau­ty and self-esteem and shows how one can live their true being in the world. The sym­bol­ic of the wheel stands for progress, con­tin­u­a­tion and move­ment for the development.

Dust of Soul

The fasthion label Mode Bou­tique USA (Web­seite | Face­book) in Zurich sup­ports the singer Dusty with her new roy­al blue dress with the noble gold orna­ments and cre­ates a per­fect pic­ture next to the Ital­ian haute cou­ture. A sym­bio­sis that cre­ates a har­mo­ny between play­ful­ness, ele­gance and class.

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