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Live on Ice show KKL Lucerne

19 December 2016

Dust of Soul pre­sent­ed in coop­er­a­tion with the music house Krompholz Luzern a 2,20 meter Grand Piano on the ice field on the Europaplatz in front of KKL Luzern and fas­ci­nat­ed in three per­for­mances “on ice” in the roman­tic scenery at the lake with the lights of the city and the Christ­mas charm

Dust of Soul once again con­jured up a fan­tas­tic mood and sur­prised us with a whole new appear­ance: “Dust of Soul on Ice” was the title this time. And that was meant seri­ous­ly by the inter­na­tion­al­ly known music duo. In coop­er­a­tion with the Musikhaus Krompholz Luzern, Dust of Soul pre­sent­ed a real acoustic 2.20 meter con­cert grand piano of the brand «Shigeru Kawai» on the ice field. Thus singer Dusty and pianist MiKey dared the bal­anc­ing act after their Oman project in the dunes of Maskat with over 40 degrees Cel­sius on the ice, where scarce­ly 0 degrees Cel­sius prevailed.

Live on Ice Poster

The well-known and renowned “Live on Ice” took place for the fifth time in a row on the Europaplatz in front of the KKL, the Lucerne Cul­tur­al and Con­ven­tion Cen­ter. Dust of Soul organ­ised “Dust of Soul Live on Ice” and attract­ed a Swiss-wide audi­ence to Lucerne last Fri­day evening.

Crowds of peo­ple gath­ered around the ice field at 7.30 pm, 8.30 pm and 9.30 pm, when Dust of Soul dared onto the ice and con­vinced with her own musi­cal style. Singing and piano-play­ing is what makes Dust of Soul out­stand­ing. How­ev­er, it is not just the music that Dust of Soul trans­ports. The embassies are also par­tic­u­lar­ly: believ­ing in one­self, nev­er ceas­ing to dream in the mid­dle – per­fect­ly match­ing the mot­to at this year’s “Live on Ice” – “Enchant­ed Dream­ing”.
Joy and excite­ment was for­mal­ly writ­ten in the faces of the musi­cians as they entered the ice field, and the fans and fans of the duo, who have accom­pa­nied Dust of Soul for their four and a half years of music trav­el, have not done any­thing else.

The mem­o­ries stay with­in us for­ev­er, moments move us to in our most inner self. feel­ings enchant our per­cep­tion and make us hap­py, our dreams lead us there where our heart is.

Dust of Soul

Whether at con­certs in Switzer­land or via Face­book, YouTube and their web­site on their trav­els in Europe, North Africa or recent­ly in the Mid­dle East, Dust of Soul man­aged to con­jure up a one-year glo­ry and with the “On Ice”-firework to end the year 2016 and thank. Dust of Soul is much more than singing and Grand Piano-play­ing and pow­er­ful mes­sages. Dust of Soul is human­i­ty in our hearts. It is also based on the phi­los­o­phy of Dust of Soul – «It’s about Respect, Pas­sion and Love».
Dust of Soul thanks her great team of helpers – friends and fans of the duo. A big thank you to the “Live on Ice”, pre­sent­ed by Light Artist Ger­ry Hof­stet­ter, and his team con­sist­ing of Daniel Lenheer, Hans Lenheer and Mar­tin Schran­er. They sup­port­ed and accom­pa­nied Dust of Soul in the run-up to the prepa­ra­tions. A fur­ther thank you goes to the pho­tog­ra­ph­er Rolf Kälin of Photogra4You who set Dust of Soul in a unique dream­ing­ly scenery. In addi­tion, a thank you to B+T Bild und Ton for the set­ting of the con­cert. And, of course, a huge thank you to th Musikhaus Krompholz Luzern, to the team of Alexan­der Steineg­ger Ralf Anderegg and Michel, who pro­fes­sion­al­ly placed the 2.20 meter con­cert grand piano on the ice field. The fol­low­ing short film and the impres­sions show the high­lights and the back­drop of the evening.

Dust of Soul On Ice «Live on Ice» 2016 Europaplatz Lucerne (Short Film)

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