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Live on Ice Lan­desmu­se­um Zurich with Swiss Cham­pi­on in fig­ure skating

20 December 2016

Dust of Soul pre­sent­ed a sym­pho­ny on ice – a con­cert with their famous musi­cal show & the ice danc­ing by Swiss Cham­pi­on in fig­ure skat­ing San­drine Hof­stet­ter. Music with pirou­ettes on the «Live on Ice» ice-field at the Swiss nation­al muse­um in Zurich

It reminds of the clas­sic fairy tales of Walt Dis­ney, Dust of Soul’s musi­cal show on the ice. This Sun­day after­noon was exact­ly for Dust of Soul to spread the charm into the world. As a high­light of the year 2016, the Swiss music duo sur­prised with a per­for­mance that none of their past ones was like: «Sym­pho­ny on Ice» is exact­ly what the numer­ous guests expe­ri­enced. A con­cert packed with the pow­er­ful songs of Singer Dusty & Pianist MiKey pre­sent­ed in an incred­i­ble show of ice danc­ing by Swiss cham­pi­on in fig­ure skat­ing San­drine Hofstetter.

The fig­ure skater con­jured up pirou­ettes on the ice and set accents and tore the audi­ence into a mag­ne­tised mood when Singer Dusty reached the high­light of her new songs «Friend­ship», com­posed espe­cial­ly for the «Live on Ice» con­cert in Zurich. The song tells the sto­ry of the first friend­ship of Sask­ia Stäu­ble, also known as singer Dusty, to her plush toy bear. It sym­bol­is­es the pow­er of friend­ship and reminds us that we all have this strength inside of us.
Also the all-time musi­cal hit «New York, New York» went into the sec­ond round for the «On Ice» con­certs as two days before in Lucerne in front the Cul­ture and Con­ven­tion Cen­tre KKL. «Melody» tells of this love to one­self, about this true love, com­pares it with the Broad­way anthem and reminds of Dust of Soul’s time in Manhattan.

The two artists did not find any­where else but in NYC the inspi­ra­tion to a lot of com­po­si­tions and expe­ri­enced their con­cert pre­miere on Broad­way. This fire to make every­thing out of one­self and to build on one’s own dreams, the musi­cians live through and through and thus «melt the ice in our hearts» as colum­nist Sask­ia Stäu­ble wrote in the «Luzern­er Rund­schau» in mid-December. 

Espe­cial­ly in Switzer­land is the inter­me­di­ate exchange par­tic­u­lar­ly under cooled. For their own heart music Dust of Soul dares to per­form on the ice and tries to cre­ate a prox­im­i­ty with self-com­posed songs & embassies

Dust of Soul

But the atten­tion was not just direct­ed to the ice: Light Artist Ger­ry Hof­stet­ter offered a fas­ci­nat­ing light orches­tra­tion on the facade of the Swiss Nation­al Muse­um, so the ambi­ence was per­fect. Gerry’s light­ing brought more light to the event, espe­cial­ly with each minute get­ting dark­er. Not to be for­got­ten, how­ev­er, is the 2,20 meter long and 380 kilo­gram heavy Shigeru con­cert grand piano of the brand Kawai, which was brought by the music house Krompholz Lucerne to Zurich and put on the ice field. It was a col­lab­o­ra­tion that demand­ed a great deal when one con­sid­ers that such a large instru­ment is pushed onto «frozen water». Pianist Michael Oder­matt, who was able to raise melodies and har­monies from the beau­ti­ful piece of jew­el­ery, was par­tic­u­lar­ly trem­bling and excit­ed. And he did so with full fer­vour. The Grand Piano would be hard to miss with the Swiss music duo. It finds its place next to Dust of Soul as a «third man» on stage. Only with the Grand Piano are the artists com­plete. So, in the future, Dust of Soul will only be per­form­ing with the Grand Piano in oth­er crazy con­cert loca­tions and events. Dust of Soul is proud to have found a part­ner with Krompholz for these two events on the ice, because just as the piano was packed and gen­tly loaded, the first snowflakes fell and relieved the ten­sion of Dusty & MiKey. They did every­thing to make two unfor­get­table con­certs hap­pen with­out an alter­na­tive date. And they have succeeded.

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