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Zurich old town Open Air marks 3-year anniversary

5 July 2015

Dust of Soul cel­e­brate their 3-year anniver­sary with an old town Open Air in Zurich in coop­er­a­tion with Hotel Storchen on the his­toric Weinplatz

Hap­py Birth­day Dust of Soul”. 3 Years after Vocal­ist Sask­ia Stäu­ble (Dusty) and Pianist Michael Oder­matt (MiKey) have met and Dust of Soul even­tu­al­ly out­grew it is time to cel­e­brate. Cel­e­brat­ing to thank and hon­our all the won­der­ful peo­ple around Dust of Soul that have become amaz­ing friends, love­ly guests attend­ing the past 60 con­certs Vocal­ist Dusty and Pianist MiKey were priv­i­leged to give on three dif­fer­ent con­ti­nents in six coun­tries. Over­whelm­ing fans that fol­low Dust of Soul every day through Face­book and lis­ten the songs on YouTube, and very kind jour­nal­ists that have car­ried out Dust of Soul into the world through authen­tic and nat­ur­al sto­ries in the press.

Dust of Soul Open Air 2015 Poster

«It is won­der­ful being priv­i­leged to look back on three suc­cess­ful years of music and friend­ships – three years trav­el­ing to oth­er coun­tries and touch­ing peo­ple from around the world with the own art»

— Dust of Soul

Old town Open Air

For the cel­e­bra­tion, Dust of Soul organ­ised a very spe­cial con­cert open air on a pub­lic open space in the mid­dle of Zurich’s old town in Switzer­land, the coun­try where Dusty and MiKey first met and final­ly start­ed off to this great music jour­ney. Invit­ed were all friends and fans, guests and the pub­lic to enjoy an out­door con­cert with an acoustic Grand Piano espe­cial­ly deliv­ered onto the plaza next to the famous and renom­i­nat­ed 650 old Swiss Hotel Storchen in the old town of Zurich. Dusty and MiKey pre­sent­ed favourite songs from the past three years as well as musi­cal piece that they com­posed new­ly live in the moment at the con­cert togeth­er with all guests and the public.

«Even the great­est inven­tion was born with an idea and start­ed from scratch. As hard as it is to write down a vision and bring it to paper, is every idea that comes from the pas­sion­ate heart valu­able and pos­si­ble. There is no recipe how to realise an idea. But with patience and courage the path unveils from itself in lit­tle pieces»

— Dust of Soul

The cel­e­bra­tion par­ty was held on the 2nd of July, a very hot Thurs­day evening with around 30 degrees cel­sius and a clear blue sky. Just per­fect weath­er con­di­tions to bring a 600 kilo­grams heavy acoustic Grand Piano out­side and give an open air con­cert. From 4 PM in the after­noon until 9 PM in the evening the guests of the event were enthused with pow­er­ful Dust of Soul songs Vocal­ist Dusty sang from her heart with­out micro­phone and Pianist MiKey played with his pas­sion on the Grand Piano. Lyrics and music about courage, dream­ing, friend­ship were crowned with espe­cial­ly for the cel­e­bra­tion par­ty live com­posed arrange­ments.
Dusty and MiKey came up with a very spe­cial idea to thank every guest with a lit­tle present for their sup­port and all the inspi­ra­tion: They baked almost 600 cook­ies them­selves dec­o­rat­ed with the famous Dust of Soul key on top of it and give it to every guest at the open air con­cert. On top of that Dust of Soul was sur­prised with two won­der­ful deli­cious cakes from their fans and friends. The tra­di­tion­al first cut Dusty and MiKey did togeth­er and shared its pieces with every­one. The cel­e­bra­tion par­ty was a beau­ti­ful per­son­al cer­e­mo­ny and open air con­cert in one with many sur­pris­es and great con­ver­sa­tions between Dusty & MiKey and the guests. A per­fect start into the next year of Dust of Soul.
Dust of Soul would like to thank the direc­tor Jörg Arnold and F&B and Event Man­ag­er Son­ja Planz­er as well as the entire team of the Hotel Storchen for this unique event. A very spe­cial thank you goes to Michaela Kober for the self-baked Dust of Soul cake and to Stéphanie Hun­zik­er for the Piano cake and well as to the entire team of Dietschi Pianos for deliv­er­ing the Grand Piano.

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