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The fre­quen­cy of the soul

“Everything is energy and all things and people vibrate on a certain frequency. We align with people, places, and situations based on our frequency and vibration. Pay attention to people who just fall off... there is no animosity, but maybe you have friends, family,...

“Music Soul­ing Expe­ri­ence” Sum­mer Series: A music-enliven­ing expe­ri­ence to find inner strength

On August 20th, 2023, the kickoff of the "Music Souling Experience" summer series will take place with the "Believe" event at the Lucerne yoga studio FLOW "Body Mind & Soul". Dust of Soul have developed «Music Souling» to help people to believe in themselves and...

Radio inter­view and song pre­miere “Suit­case Mem­o­ries” in radio RTCI Tunis

Dust of Soul are interviewed on Tunis radio station RTCI about their new music and new era introducing "Positive Music Power". Their newly released song "Suitcase Memories" premieres on the international radio station live after the interview. Moncef Labiadth, radio...

«Lost» is “Sin­gle of the Week” on

Dust of Soul are interviewed by, Switzerland's largest internet radio station with over 1 million listeners. This week their single «Lost» is the "Single of the week" Singer Dusty and pianist MiKey have been Dust of Soul for ten years. They have been...

regioTALK with: Sask­ia Stäu­ble – Dust of Soul, the pos­i­tive singing Power

Dust of Soul singer Saskia Stäuble, known as «Dusty», as a guest in the regioTALK program on regioTVplus about the new music video «Lost» and «Positive Music Power». Dust of Soul will release their latest single «Lost» on April 29th, 2022 along with a very powerful...

NAZAR cul­ture mag­a­zine spe­cial edi­tion at news­stands through­out Switzerland

The October/November 2022 edi­tion of the NAZAR Kul­tur­magazin pub­lish­es a spe­cial edi­tion about “10 years of Dust of Soul”. Now at kiosks through­out Switzerland.

Invi­ta­tion to the dai­ly talk on TV chan­nel «Tele M1»

Dust of Soul about their dream, the upcom­ing show «BACK TO THE FUTURE – 10 Years Dust of Soul» and «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» on Tele M1.

Tele­Bielingue live at the video shoot «Won­der­land»

«The Nidau vintage bistro and Tim Burton's world-famous film «Alice in Wonderland». These were exactly the main ingredients for the new music video from the opera/pop duo Dust of Soul.» TeleBielingue was there live with a report … «In proper style, the characters look...

Biel­er Tag­blatt about Dust of Soul

«Anyone who goes to our concerts should feel better afterwards». The daily newspaper «Bieler Tagblatt» writes about Dust of Soul, its concept «Positive Music Power» and its new «Wonderland Concert Show». «She is living her dream» is the title of the full-page article...

Dust of Soul in Biel with «Won­der­land»

«Saskia (Dusty) Stäuble made the jump from the kitchen onto the stage.» Read the article here online. Biel Bienne «People» (Newspaper, 24-25 August 2021, Switzerland) Biel-Bienne People 2021-08-24-25Download Article by Biel-Bienne Photo by Joel Schweizer Text...

In The Press

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