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500,000 views for Won­der­land feat. Cortés Kimberly

21 January 2022

Dust of Soul released their new music video «Won­der­land» feat. Cortés Kim­ber­ly online on 14th Jan­u­ary 2022. On the Face­book and YouTube plat­forms, they got 500,000 views with­in a week. The song mas­ter­ing is by Gram­my Award win­ner Andy Wal­ter from Abbey Road Stu­dios in Lon­don, made famous by the Beatles.

In the sum­mer of 2021, Dust of Soul pre­sent­ed their sec­ond stu­dio album live in a lav­ish album release show. It was named «Won­der­land». Since then, their «Won­der­land Tour» has been under­way and the adap­ta­tions «Won­der­land on Ice» and «Won­der­land Unplugged» have already been cre­at­ed, which were suc­cess­ful­ly staged in Decem­ber 2021.
On the 14th of Jan­u­ary 2022, Dust of Soul released their third sin­gle: «Won­der­land». Musi­cal­ly and lyri­cal­ly, the work comes from the two musi­cians, singer Sask­ia Stäu­ble, known as «Dusty», and pianist Michael Oder­matt, known as «MiKey». With the music video «Won­der­land» feat. Cortés Kim­ber­ly now fol­lows the visu­al expres­sion of their inspi­ra­tion and moti­va­tion, and with it the inter­pre­ta­tion of «Alice in Won­der­land» in the 21st century.

Dust of Soul – Won­der­land feat. Cortés Kim­ber­ly (Offi­cial Music Video) | Dust of Soul Offi­cial YouTube Channel

Since Fri­day, the 21th of Jan­u­ary 21 2022, the song has been avail­able every­where on all major stream­ing plat­forms – such as Spo­ti­fy, Apple Music, iTunes. Find all links on

«Cre­ate every­thing in one blink, it’s all in your hands»

Lyrics Song «Won­der­land»

The song is full of pow­er and moti­va­tion. It should wake up. The lyrics con­vey per­son­al respon­si­bil­i­ty and that every change starts with us. Very eas­i­ly. How con­scious­ly we make our deci­sions is up to us.

The char­ac­ters from Tim Burton’s 2010 film adap­ta­tion «Alice in Won­der­land» make promi­nent appear­ances in the music video adap­ta­tion. The dreamy Won­der­land rab­bits lead through the entire video. The proud queen and the mad hat­ter are also present. They are all sit­ting at a tea par­ty with Dust of Soul. There is also a skele­ton sit­ting at the table. Lat­er more. But where is Alice? The main character?

Alice is the view­er. The audi­ence. The pub­lic. Dust of Soul’s music video, like Tim Burton’s live action film, is all about Alice. Dust of Soul moti­vate with their new style «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» – lyri­cal­ly, musi­cal­ly and visu­al­ly – to get up now and live your own dreams. Not just sit­ting at the table and let­ting life pass you by. Oth­er­wise you end up like the skele­ton. And this one is still sit­ting at the desert­ed tea par­ty at the end of the video…

Cortés Kim­ber­ly

The fea­tur­ing on «Won­der­land» is Cortés Kim­ber­ly. She tells her very own sto­ry. From her life and career. And we final­ly hear her «recipe»!

Kim­ber­ly, also known as Kdou­bleU, is a mul­ti­fac­eted artist with Mex­i­can, Ukrain­ian and Span­ish roots. She was born in Zurich, Switzer­land, and grew up in Boston, Mass­a­chu­setts, USA. Cortés is a rap­per, singer/songwriter, and actress.

She start­ed singing opera at the age of four and dis­cov­ered hip hop at the age of sev­en. Cortés then began writ­ing pop songs at the age of eight. She has always main­tained her love for her cre­ations and reunit­ed with her art at the age of eigh­teen. Since 2019 she has con­sis­tent­ly focused on her music career.

«I want to show my audi­ence vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. I want to spread love, joy, light and moti­va­tion through my cre­ations. I love inspir­ing oth­ers and mak­ing peo­ple shine. The stage is my home,» explains Kimberly.

Crown Toss & Fire

The erup­tion of the indi­vid­ual fig­ures is expressed cen­tral­ly. Every­one is fed up with sit­ting still – just like the skele­ton – con­tin­u­ing to play their role on autopi­lot. They want to take action. And they take action. Led by the Won­der­land rab­bits, things real­ly get going. The dancers from the group Radioac­tive Dance­crew come alive and dance through the video. The Mad Hat­ter, played by the illu­sion­ist Ger­va­sio Wim­per, ignites the fire. Every­thing «comes out of him». Lit­er­al­ly. It’s time.
Orchidea Lüthi embod­ies the role of the queen like no oth­er. But it is time to free your­self from struc­tures and to live your own indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. To show your­self. To con­fess to yourself.

Dust of Soul singer Dusty and pianist MiKey them­selves show a new side. They, too, have clear­ly arrived in «Won­der­land» and are find­ing their own new expression.

Vin­tage & modern

Die bei­den Film­lo­ca­tions ste­hen sich als zwei Wel­ten gegenüber. Das ganze Video über wird hin und her gewech­selt. Die Real­ität springt von der einen zur anderen. Alles ist plöt­zlich möglich. Vie­len Dank an dieser Stelle an das Vin­tage-Bistro «Antique-Unique» in Nidau und Luzia’s Bar­ber Shop Biel. 

The two film loca­tions face each oth­er as two worlds. The whole video switch­es back and forth. Real­i­ty jumps from one to the oth­er. Every­thing is sud­den­ly pos­si­ble. Many thanks to the vin­tage bistro «Antique-Unique» in Nidau and Luzia’s Bar­ber Shop Biel.

Bei den Drehar­beit­en im Antik-Unique war der TV-Sender «Tele­Bielingue» mit Reporter Michel Eggi­mann vor Ort. Lebensecht ist seine Doku­men­ta­tion. Mehr hier.

The TV sta­tion «Tele­Bielingue» was there with reporter Michel Eggi­mann for the film­ing in the antique unique. His doc­u­men­ta­tion is true to life. More here.

Doc­u­men­ta­tion with inter­views on the TV chan­nel «Tele­Bielingue» about the Dust of Soul music video shoot | Tele­Bielingue Offi­cial YouTube Chan­nel, 19.10.2021


Make-up artist Lean­dra Bombel­li is behind the cre­ative imple­men­ta­tion of the fig­ures. All cre­ations are orig­i­nal­ly from Dust of Soul singer Dusty. This also applies to the cos­tumes. The result is pow­er­ful team­work. Thanks to Lean­dra Bombel­li for her com­mit­ment and cre­ative participation.

Script, direc­tion and edit­ing were done by Dust of Soul artists Sask­ia and Michael them­selves. This in order to fol­low their artis­tic expres­sion freely inspired. Film­mak­er Dominic Wälti from Shapex Films and pho­tog­ra­ph­er & light­ing assis­tant Mar­ius Tausch sup­port­ed them behind the cam­era. The pro­duc­tion of the song and video was real­ized at Dust of Soul Stu­dios. The song mas­ter­ing is by Gram­my Award win­ner Andy Wal­ter from Abbey Road Stu­dios in Lon­don, made famous by the Bea­t­les. Below you will find all oth­er credits:


Music by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Michael Oder­matt
Writ­ten by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble
Rap writ­ten by: Kim­ber­ly Cortés
Sto­ry by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Michael Oder­matt
Direct­ed by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Michael Oder­matt
Co-Direct­ed by: Shapex Films
Pro­duced by: Dust of Soul
Exec­u­tive Pro­duc­er: Michael Oder­matt
Co-Pro­duced by: Shapex Films
Art Direc­tor: Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Michael Oder­matt
Direc­tor of Pho­tog­ra­phy: Shapex Films, Michael Oder­matt
Edit­ed by: Michael Oder­matt
Visu­al Effects by: Michael Oder­matt
Pro­duc­tion Design­er: Michael Oder­matt
Cos­tume Design­er: Sask­ia Stäu­ble
Make Up Artist: Lean­dra Bombel­li
Assis­tant Cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er: Mar­ius Tausch
Cast­ing by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble
Loca­tions: Vin­tage-Bistro «Antique-Unique» Nidau, Luzia’s Bar­ber Shop Biel
Music record­ed at: Dust of Soul Stu­dios
Rap record­ed at: Touch Pro­duc­tions
Music mas­tered at: Abbey Road Stu­dios, Lon­don
All Art­works & Designs are sole prop­er­ty of Dust of Soul
Copy­right © 2022 Dust of Soul. All rights reserved.

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