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Indi­an-Swiss romance hits 100,000 views

15 October 2020

Four dif­fer­ent musi­cians are get­ting togeth­er to meet the great­est love of their lives: Music Love is an epic hymn, a sto­ry of romance and a jour­ney of the soul. Dust of Soul col­lab­o­rates with «Gul­ly Boy» sen­sa­tion Nox­ious D. and Roland artist Ketan Mohite.

«Awake at night, because your pas­sion is not let­ting you go? Let your heart break so your soul can heal». Dust of Soul releas­es a new music video they filmed in Mum­bai, Maha­rash­tra with Indi­an Rap­per Nox­ious D. and Indi­an Singer-Song­writer & Gui­tarist Ketan Mohite. Nox­ious D. is the sen­sa­tion from the Indi­an hit Block­boast­er «Gul­ly Boy» movie shot in Mum­bai and released in 2019.

«There is love in the air. Break your heart, heal your soul.»

Dust of Soul
Music Love (Offi­cial Music Video) – Release on the offi­cial Dust of Soul YouTube channel

Inter­na­tion­al Cast & Crew 

Dust of Soul present MUSIC LOVE
Star­ring: Singer Dusty, Nox­ious D., Pianist MiKey, Ketan Mohite
Pro­duced by: Dust of Soul
Co-Pro­duced by: Win­ston Jose
Direct­ed by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Michael Oder­matt
Co-Direct­ed by: Win­ston Jose
Sto­ry by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Michael Oder­matt
Music by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble, Michael Oder­matt, Nox­ious D.
Lyrics writ­ten by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble
Rap Lyrics writ­ten by: Nox­ious D.
Hin­di Lyrics writ­ten by: Ketan Mohite
Direc­tor of Pho­tog­ra­phy: Win­ston Jose
Edit­ed by: Michael Oder­matt
Assis­tant Cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er: Sibi­en James
Lights & assis­tants by: Win­ston Jos
Pro­duc­tion Head: Bejoy Yargh­ese
Styl­ist & Make-up by: Mohi­ni Nanaware
Hair by: Nand­ni Palkund
Cast­ing by: Sask­ia Stäu­ble
Copy­right © 2020 Dust of Soul. All rights reserved.
Music Record­ed at Dust of Soul Stu­dios
Music Mas­tered at Abbey Road Stu­dios, Lon­don
All Art­works & Designs are sole prop­er­ty of Dust of Soul.

“Anoth­er amaz­ing hit! Thank you! We wish you cre­ative success!”

Kapri­ka Media
Watch on Facebook

“Lot’s of love from all of as at Dust of Soul. Please share the love and collaboration.”

— Dust of Soul

Spe­cial Thanks:
Roland Artist Cen­tre Mum­bai
The Dhar­avi Dream Project
Dol­ly Rateshwar

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