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Need You – Music Video Cover

Singer under­wa­ter in music video «Need You»

13 October 2023

Cre­at­ing worlds. New expe­ri­ences. Fas­ci­na­tion. «Dust of Soul» see their genre as «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er», which means using the pos­i­tive pow­er of music to help peo­ple believe in them­selves and inspire them. On Octo­ber 7, 2023, singer Dusty and pianist MiKey showed a whole new side in the FLOW stu­dio “Body Mind & Soul” in Lucerne (Switzer­land): under the sur­face of the water.

«Dust of Soul» are known for per­form­ing intu­itive music and projects with pro­found and moti­vat­ing con­tent. They cre­ate worlds, on stage and screen. Since meet­ing at the arch­way near Lucerne train sta­tion and form­ing as a musi­cal duo in July 2012, the two musi­cians have been per­form­ing around the world and ini­ti­at­ing music videos. Because each of their songs has its own authen­tic expres­sion, which «Dust of Soul» also con­veys visu­al­ly in music videos. The ver­sa­til­i­ty in the expres­sion of their music nev­er ceas­es to amaze the audi­ence. It is pre­cise­ly because of this lived cre­ativ­i­ty that Dust of Soul appears authentic. 

Music videos were cre­at­ed far away dur­ing the hottest tem­per­a­tures in the desert of Oman. Or in India’s largest slum – the Dhar­avi in Mum­bai. But «Dust of Soul» also filmed with a bal­let dancer in the heart of the city of Lucerne on the famous Chapel Bridge and at the Lion Monument.

After their “Best Orig­i­nal­i­ty” award at the Los Ange­les «Music Video Awards» in Feb­ru­ary 2023 for their last music video «Lost», which was filmed at zero degrees Cel­sius in a dis­used old sewage treat­ment plant, «Dust of Soul» are dar­ing to do it for their lat­est Music video film­ing goes one step fur­ther: underwater.

«Look­ing sexy under­wa­ter is no piece of cake»

— Siinger Dusty, Dust of Soul

Dusty needs three weeks of inten­sive train­ing to appear nat­ur­al as a singer under­wa­ter, to keep her eyes open, to relax her facial mus­cles, and even to per­form and “sing”. The film­ing was car­ried out on our own dur­ing the day and spon­ta­neous­ly at night with the sup­port of Dominic Wälti (Shapex Films) and pho­tog­ra­ph­er & light­ing assis­tant Mar­ius Tausch. The make-up, which suc­cess­ful­ly with­stood the wet, was cre­at­ed by Sask­ia Stäu­ble in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Lucerne make-up artist Lean­dra Bombel­li, who has already done make-up for «LU Cou­ture», as well as at the «Milano Fash­ion Show», the «Gwand» and at the in Los Ange­les award-win­ning «Dust of Soul» music video “Lost”.

The rough vision of the music film for «Dust of Soul» is always cre­at­ed before film­ing, but the artists only real­ly get cre­ative while film­ing. The singer and the pianist fol­lowed spon­ta­neous inspi­ra­tion and ideas and were even sur­prised by the result. “Every­thing behaves com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent­ly under water. We couldn’t imag­ine this before”, says MiKey, who took over the cam­era work under­wa­ter. “Luck­i­ly we can rely on each oth­er and are both flex­i­ble and patient enough to exper­i­ment.” Over time, it felt com­plete­ly nat­ur­al for Dusty to be under­wa­ter: “I com­plete­ly for­got that I couldn’t breathe.”

Music video release poster

Art and life coach­ing combined

«Dust of Soul» bring togeth­er nat­ur­al ele­ments, new per­spec­tives and moti­vat­ing aspects in one place. The focus of this project is the vast and mys­te­ri­ous uni­verse, which so close­ly resem­bles the silence and depth of water and is a source of strength and inspi­ra­tion for the musi­cians for their lat­est work of art. Your message:

«We all need the light. We all need nature. We all need the strength of the heart. We all need the inner voice of intu­ition. We all need the air to breathe. We all need pos­i­tiv­i­ty on dark days. We all need you – we need you, dear Universe.»

— Dust of Soul

Need You

The music video illus­trates the explo­ration of the hid­den aspects—similar to the mys­tery of the universe—in our indi­vid­ual lives and the inte­gra­tion of the undis­cov­ered, our own mys­ti­cism, into our every­day lives. By accept­ing our­selves as a whole, Dust of Soul believe, we can devel­op our full strength. The inter­play of singing, piano play­ing and sound­track is just as moti­vat­ing. Ulti­mate­ly, «Pos­i­tive Music Pow­er» is not just about the music itself, but also about the effect it has on the audi­ence. Because Dust of Soul
believe in the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of music and its abil­i­ty to inspire and bring peo­ple togeth­er. The goal of Dust of Soul is to cre­ate a pos­i­tive rip­ple effect through their music and encour­age peo­ple to real­ize their dreams and over­come challenges.

«Dust of Soul» showed their lat­est under­wa­ter music video «Need You» exclu­sive­ly in a pre­miere in Lucerne. The offi­cial release will be released as a sin­gle on Fri­day, Octo­ber 27, 2023 on all stream­ing ser­vices. Dis­cov­er new worlds and spheres with “Dust of Soul”. Expe­ri­ence depth and soar­ing with the new music video “Need You” today:

Dust of Soul – Need You | Dust of Soul Offi­cial YouTube channel

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